/*! * mdui 1.0.2 (https://mdui.org) * Copyright 2016-2021 zdhxiong * Licensed under MIT */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.mdui = factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; !function(){try{return new MouseEvent("test")}catch(e$1){}var e=function(e,t){t=t||{bubbles:!1,cancelable:!1};var n=document.createEvent("MouseEvent");return n.initMouseEvent(e,t.bubbles,t.cancelable,window,0,t.screenX||0,t.screenY||0,t.clientX||0,t.clientY||0,t.ctrlKey||!1,t.altKey||!1,t.shiftKey||!1,t.metaKey||!1,t.button||0,t.relatedTarget||null),n};e.prototype=Event.prototype,window.MouseEvent=e;}(); !function(){function t(t,e){e=e||{bubbles:!1,cancelable:!1,detail:void 0};var n=document.createEvent("CustomEvent");return n.initCustomEvent(t,e.bubbles,e.cancelable,e.detail),n}"function"!=typeof window.CustomEvent&&(t.prototype=window.Event.prototype,window.CustomEvent=t);}(); /** * @this {Promise} */ function finallyConstructor(callback) { var constructor = this.constructor; return this.then( function(value) { // @ts-ignore return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function() { return value; }); }, function(reason) { // @ts-ignore return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function() { // @ts-ignore return constructor.reject(reason); }); } ); } function allSettled(arr) { var P = this; return new P(function(resolve, reject) { if (!(arr && typeof arr.length !== 'undefined')) { return reject( new TypeError( typeof arr + ' ' + arr + ' is not iterable(cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))' ) ); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr); if (args.length === 0) { return resolve([]); } var remaining = args.length; function res(i, val) { if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) { var then = val.then; if (typeof then === 'function') { then.call( val, function(val) { res(i, val); }, function(e) { args[i] = { status: 'rejected', reason: e }; if (--remaining === 0) { resolve(args); } } ); return; } } args[i] = { status: 'fulfilled', value: val }; if (--remaining === 0) { resolve(args); } } for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { res(i, args[i]); } }); } // Store setTimeout reference so promise-polyfill will be unaffected by // other code modifying setTimeout (like sinon.useFakeTimers()) var setTimeoutFunc = setTimeout; function isArray(x) { return Boolean(x && typeof x.length !== 'undefined'); } function noop() {} // Polyfill for Function.prototype.bind function bind(fn, thisArg) { return function() { fn.apply(thisArg, arguments); }; } /** * @constructor * @param {Function} fn */ function Promise$1(fn) { if (!(this instanceof Promise$1)) { throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new'); } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('not a function'); } /** @type {!number} */ this._state = 0; /** @type {!boolean} */ this._handled = false; /** @type {Promise|undefined} */ this._value = undefined; /** @type {!Array} */ this._deferreds = []; doResolve(fn, this); } function handle(self, deferred) { while (self._state === 3) { self = self._value; } if (self._state === 0) { self._deferreds.push(deferred); return; } self._handled = true; Promise$1._immediateFn(function() { var cb = self._state === 1 ? deferred.onFulfilled : deferred.onRejected; if (cb === null) { (self._state === 1 ? resolve : reject)(deferred.promise, self._value); return; } var ret; try { ret = cb(self._value); } catch (e) { reject(deferred.promise, e); return; } resolve(deferred.promise, ret); }); } function resolve(self, newValue) { try { // Promise Resolution Procedure: https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-spec#the-promise-resolution-procedure if (newValue === self) { throw new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.'); } if ( newValue && (typeof newValue === 'object' || typeof newValue === 'function') ) { var then = newValue.then; if (newValue instanceof Promise$1) { self._state = 3; self._value = newValue; finale(self); return; } else if (typeof then === 'function') { doResolve(bind(then, newValue), self); return; } } self._state = 1; self._value = newValue; finale(self); } catch (e) { reject(self, e); } } function reject(self, newValue) { self._state = 2; self._value = newValue; finale(self); } function finale(self) { if (self._state === 2 && self._deferreds.length === 0) { Promise$1._immediateFn(function() { if (!self._handled) { Promise$1._unhandledRejectionFn(self._value); } }); } for (var i = 0, len = self._deferreds.length; i < len; i++) { handle(self, self._deferreds[i]); } self._deferreds = null; } /** * @constructor */ function Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, promise) { this.onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled : null; this.onRejected = typeof onRejected === 'function' ? onRejected : null; this.promise = promise; } /** * Take a potentially misbehaving resolver function and make sure * onFulfilled and onRejected are only called once. * * Makes no guarantees about asynchrony. */ function doResolve(fn, self) { var done = false; try { fn( function(value) { if (done) { return; } done = true; resolve(self, value); }, function(reason) { if (done) { return; } done = true; reject(self, reason); } ); } catch (ex) { if (done) { return; } done = true; reject(self, ex); } } Promise$1.prototype['catch'] = function(onRejected) { return this.then(null, onRejected); }; Promise$1.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) { // @ts-ignore var prom = new this.constructor(noop); handle(this, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, prom)); return prom; }; Promise$1.prototype['finally'] = finallyConstructor; Promise$1.all = function(arr) { return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) { if (!isArray(arr)) { return reject(new TypeError('Promise.all accepts an array')); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr); if (args.length === 0) { return resolve([]); } var remaining = args.length; function res(i, val) { try { if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) { var then = val.then; if (typeof then === 'function') { then.call( val, function(val) { res(i, val); }, reject ); return; } } args[i] = val; if (--remaining === 0) { resolve(args); } } catch (ex) { reject(ex); } } for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { res(i, args[i]); } }); }; Promise$1.allSettled = allSettled; Promise$1.resolve = function(value) { if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Promise$1) { return value; } return new Promise$1(function(resolve) { resolve(value); }); }; Promise$1.reject = function(value) { return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) { reject(value); }); }; Promise$1.race = function(arr) { return new Promise$1(function(resolve, reject) { if (!isArray(arr)) { return reject(new TypeError('Promise.race accepts an array')); } for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { Promise$1.resolve(arr[i]).then(resolve, reject); } }); }; // Use polyfill for setImmediate for performance gains Promise$1._immediateFn = // @ts-ignore (typeof setImmediate === 'function' && function(fn) { // @ts-ignore setImmediate(fn); }) || function(fn) { setTimeoutFunc(fn, 0); }; Promise$1._unhandledRejectionFn = function _unhandledRejectionFn(err) { if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console) { console.warn('Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console } }; /** @suppress {undefinedVars} */ var globalNS = (function() { // the only reliable means to get the global object is // `Function('return this')()` // However, this causes CSP violations in Chrome apps. if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { return self; } if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return window; } if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { return global; } throw new Error('unable to locate global object'); })(); // Expose the polyfill if Promise is undefined or set to a // non-function value. The latter can be due to a named HTMLElement // being exposed by browsers for legacy reasons. // https://github.com/taylorhakes/promise-polyfill/issues/114 if (typeof globalNS['Promise'] !== 'function') { globalNS['Promise'] = Promise$1; } else if (!globalNS.Promise.prototype['finally']) { globalNS.Promise.prototype['finally'] = finallyConstructor; } else if (!globalNS.Promise.allSettled) { globalNS.Promise.allSettled = allSettled; } function isFunction(target) { return typeof target === 'function'; } function isString(target) { return typeof target === 'string'; } function isNumber(target) { return typeof target === 'number'; } function isBoolean(target) { return typeof target === 'boolean'; } function isUndefined(target) { return typeof target === 'undefined'; } function isNull(target) { return target === null; } function isWindow(target) { return target instanceof Window; } function isDocument(target) { return target instanceof Document; } function isElement(target) { return target instanceof Element; } function isNode(target) { return target instanceof Node; } /** * 是否是 IE 浏览器 */ function isIE() { // @ts-ignore return !!window.document.documentMode; } function isArrayLike(target) { if (isFunction(target) || isWindow(target)) { return false; } return isNumber(target.length); } function isObjectLike(target) { return typeof target === 'object' && target !== null; } function toElement(target) { return isDocument(target) ? target.documentElement : target; } /** * 把用 - 分隔的字符串转为驼峰(如 box-sizing 转换为 boxSizing) * @param string */ function toCamelCase(string) { return string .replace(/^-ms-/, 'ms-') .replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (_, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); } /** * 把驼峰法转为用 - 分隔的字符串(如 boxSizing 转换为 box-sizing) * @param string */ function toKebabCase(string) { return string.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (replacer) { return '-' + replacer.toLowerCase(); }); } /** * 获取元素的样式值 * @param element * @param name */ function getComputedStyleValue(element, name) { return window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(toKebabCase(name)); } /** * 检查元素的 box-sizing 是否是 border-box * @param element */ function isBorderBox(element) { return getComputedStyleValue(element, 'box-sizing') === 'border-box'; } /** * 获取元素的 padding, border, margin 宽度(两侧宽度的和,单位为px) * @param element * @param direction * @param extra */ function getExtraWidth(element, direction, extra) { var position = direction === 'width' ? ['Left', 'Right'] : ['Top', 'Bottom']; return [0, 1].reduce(function (prev, _, index) { var prop = extra + position[index]; if (extra === 'border') { prop += 'Width'; } return prev + parseFloat(getComputedStyleValue(element, prop) || '0'); }, 0); } /** * 获取元素的样式值,对 width 和 height 进行过处理 * @param element * @param name */ function getStyle(element, name) { // width、height 属性使用 getComputedStyle 得到的值不准确,需要使用 getBoundingClientRect 获取 if (name === 'width' || name === 'height') { var valueNumber = element.getBoundingClientRect()[name]; if (isBorderBox(element)) { return (valueNumber + "px"); } return ((valueNumber - getExtraWidth(element, name, 'border') - getExtraWidth(element, name, 'padding')) + "px"); } return getComputedStyleValue(element, name); } /** * 获取子节点组成的数组 * @param target * @param parent */ function getChildNodesArray(target, parent) { var tempParent = document.createElement(parent); tempParent.innerHTML = target; return [].slice.call(tempParent.childNodes); } /** * 始终返回 false 的函数 */ function returnFalse() { return false; } /** * 数值单位的 CSS 属性 */ var cssNumber = [ 'animationIterationCount', 'columnCount', 'fillOpacity', 'flexGrow', 'flexShrink', 'fontWeight', 'gridArea', 'gridColumn', 'gridColumnEnd', 'gridColumnStart', 'gridRow', 'gridRowEnd', 'gridRowStart', 'lineHeight', 'opacity', 'order', 'orphans', 'widows', 'zIndex', 'zoom' ]; function each(target, callback) { if (isArrayLike(target)) { for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i += 1) { if (callback.call(target[i], i, target[i]) === false) { return target; } } } else { var keys = Object.keys(target); for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < keys.length; i$1 += 1) { if (callback.call(target[keys[i$1]], keys[i$1], target[keys[i$1]]) === false) { return target; } } } return target; } /** * 为了使用模块扩充,这里不能使用默认导出 */ var JQ = function JQ(arr) { var this$1 = this; this.length = 0; if (!arr) { return this; } each(arr, function (i, item) { // @ts-ignore this$1[i] = item; }); this.length = arr.length; return this; }; function get$() { var $ = function (selector) { if (!selector) { return new JQ(); } // JQ if (selector instanceof JQ) { return selector; } // function if (isFunction(selector)) { if (/complete|loaded|interactive/.test(document.readyState) && document.body) { selector.call(document, $); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { return selector.call(document, $); }, false); } return new JQ([document]); } // String if (isString(selector)) { var html = selector.trim(); // 根据 HTML 字符串创建 JQ 对象 if (html[0] === '<' && html[html.length - 1] === '>') { var toCreate = 'div'; var tags = { li: 'ul', tr: 'tbody', td: 'tr', th: 'tr', tbody: 'table', option: 'select', }; each(tags, function (childTag, parentTag) { if (html.indexOf(("<" + childTag)) === 0) { toCreate = parentTag; return false; } return; }); return new JQ(getChildNodesArray(html, toCreate)); } // 根据 CSS 选择器创建 JQ 对象 var isIdSelector = selector[0] === '#' && !selector.match(/[ .<>:~]/); if (!isIdSelector) { return new JQ(document.querySelectorAll(selector)); } var element = document.getElementById(selector.slice(1)); if (element) { return new JQ([element]); } return new JQ(); } if (isArrayLike(selector) && !isNode(selector)) { return new JQ(selector); } return new JQ([selector]); }; $.fn = JQ.prototype; return $; } var $ = get$(); // 避免页面加载完后直接执行css动画 // https://css-tricks.com/transitions-only-after-page-load/ setTimeout(function () { return $('body').addClass('mdui-loaded'); }); var mdui = { $: $, }; $.fn.each = function (callback) { return each(this, callback); }; /** * 检查 container 元素内是否包含 contains 元素 * @param container 父元素 * @param contains 子元素 * @example ```js contains( document, document.body ); // true contains( document.getElementById('test'), document ); // false contains( $('.container').get(0), $('.contains').get(0) ); // false ``` */ function contains(container, contains) { return container !== contains && toElement(container).contains(contains); } /** * 把第二个数组的元素追加到第一个数组中,并返回合并后的数组 * @param first 第一个数组 * @param second 该数组的元素将被追加到第一个数组中 * @example ```js merge( [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3, 4 ] ) // [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 ] ``` */ function merge(first, second) { each(second, function (_, value) { first.push(value); }); return first; } $.fn.get = function (index) { return index === undefined ? [].slice.call(this) : this[index >= 0 ? index : index + this.length]; }; $.fn.find = function (selector) { var foundElements = []; this.each(function (_, element) { merge(foundElements, $(element.querySelectorAll(selector)).get()); }); return new JQ(foundElements); }; // 存储事件 var handlers = {}; // 元素ID var mduiElementId = 1; /** * 为元素赋予一个唯一的ID */ function getElementId(element) { var key = '_mduiEventId'; // @ts-ignore if (!element[key]) { // @ts-ignore element[key] = ++mduiElementId; } // @ts-ignore return element[key]; } /** * 解析事件名中的命名空间 */ function parse(type) { var parts = type.split('.'); return { type: parts[0], ns: parts.slice(1).sort().join(' '), }; } /** * 命名空间匹配规则 */ function matcherFor(ns) { return new RegExp('(?:^| )' + ns.replace(' ', ' .* ?') + '(?: |$)'); } /** * 获取匹配的事件 * @param element * @param type * @param func * @param selector */ function getHandlers(element, type, func, selector) { var event = parse(type); return (handlers[getElementId(element)] || []).filter(function (handler) { return handler && (!event.type || handler.type === event.type) && (!event.ns || matcherFor(event.ns).test(handler.ns)) && (!func || getElementId(handler.func) === getElementId(func)) && (!selector || handler.selector === selector); }); } /** * 添加事件监听 * @param element * @param types * @param func * @param data * @param selector */ function add(element, types, func, data, selector) { var elementId = getElementId(element); if (!handlers[elementId]) { handlers[elementId] = []; } // 传入 data.useCapture 来设置 useCapture: true var useCapture = false; if (isObjectLike(data) && data.useCapture) { useCapture = true; } types.split(' ').forEach(function (type) { if (!type) { return; } var event = parse(type); function callFn(e, elem) { // 因为鼠标事件模拟事件的 detail 属性是只读的,因此在 e._detail 中存储参数 var result = func.apply(elem, // @ts-ignore e._detail === undefined ? [e] : [e].concat(e._detail)); if (result === false) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } function proxyFn(e) { // @ts-ignore if (e._ns && !matcherFor(e._ns).test(event.ns)) { return; } // @ts-ignore e._data = data; if (selector) { // 事件代理 $(element) .find(selector) .get() .reverse() .forEach(function (elem) { if (elem === e.target || contains(elem, e.target)) { callFn(e, elem); } }); } else { // 不使用事件代理 callFn(e, element); } } var handler = { type: event.type, ns: event.ns, func: func, selector: selector, id: handlers[elementId].length, proxy: proxyFn, }; handlers[elementId].push(handler); element.addEventListener(handler.type, proxyFn, useCapture); }); } /** * 移除事件监听 * @param element * @param types * @param func * @param selector */ function remove(element, types, func, selector) { var handlersInElement = handlers[getElementId(element)] || []; var removeEvent = function (handler) { delete handlersInElement[handler.id]; element.removeEventListener(handler.type, handler.proxy, false); }; if (!types) { handlersInElement.forEach(function (handler) { return removeEvent(handler); }); } else { types.split(' ').forEach(function (type) { if (type) { getHandlers(element, type, func, selector).forEach(function (handler) { return removeEvent(handler); }); } }); } } $.fn.trigger = function (type, extraParameters) { var event = parse(type); var eventObject; var eventParams = { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }; var isMouseEvent = ['click', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove'].indexOf(event.type) > -1; if (isMouseEvent) { // Note: MouseEvent 无法传入 detail 参数 eventObject = new MouseEvent(event.type, eventParams); } else { eventParams.detail = extraParameters; eventObject = new CustomEvent(event.type, eventParams); } // @ts-ignore eventObject._detail = extraParameters; // @ts-ignore eventObject._ns = event.ns; return this.each(function () { this.dispatchEvent(eventObject); }); }; function extend(target, object1) { var objectN = [], len = arguments.length - 2; while ( len-- > 0 ) objectN[ len ] = arguments[ len + 2 ]; objectN.unshift(object1); each(objectN, function (_, object) { each(object, function (prop, value) { if (!isUndefined(value)) { target[prop] = value; } }); }); return target; } /** * 将数组或对象序列化,序列化后的字符串可作为 URL 查询字符串使用 * * 若传入数组,则格式必须和 serializeArray 方法的返回值一样 * @param obj 对象或数组 * @example ```js param({ width: 1680, height: 1050 }); // width=1680&height=1050 ``` * @example ```js param({ foo: { one: 1, two: 2 }}) // foo[one]=1&foo[two]=2 ``` * @example ```js param({ids: [1, 2, 3]}) // ids[]=1&ids[]=2&ids[]=3 ``` * @example ```js param([ {"name":"name","value":"mdui"}, {"name":"password","value":"123456"} ]) // name=mdui&password=123456 ``` */ function param(obj) { if (!isObjectLike(obj) && !Array.isArray(obj)) { return ''; } var args = []; function destructure(key, value) { var keyTmp; if (isObjectLike(value)) { each(value, function (i, v) { if (Array.isArray(value) && !isObjectLike(v)) { keyTmp = ''; } else { keyTmp = i; } destructure((key + "[" + keyTmp + "]"), v); }); } else { if (value == null || value === '') { keyTmp = '='; } else { keyTmp = "=" + (encodeURIComponent(value)); } args.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + keyTmp); } } if (Array.isArray(obj)) { each(obj, function () { destructure(this.name, this.value); }); } else { each(obj, destructure); } return args.join('&'); } // 全局配置参数 var globalOptions = {}; // 全局事件名 var ajaxEvents = { ajaxStart: 'start.mdui.ajax', ajaxSuccess: 'success.mdui.ajax', ajaxError: 'error.mdui.ajax', ajaxComplete: 'complete.mdui.ajax', }; /** * 判断此请求方法是否通过查询字符串提交参数 * @param method 请求方法,大写 */ function isQueryStringData(method) { return ['GET', 'HEAD'].indexOf(method) >= 0; } /** * 添加参数到 URL 上,且 URL 中不存在 ? 时,自动把第一个 & 替换为 ? * @param url * @param query */ function appendQuery(url, query) { return (url + "&" + query).replace(/[&?]{1,2}/, '?'); } /** * 合并请求参数,参数优先级:options > globalOptions > defaults * @param options */ function mergeOptions(options) { // 默认参数 var defaults = { url: '', method: 'GET', data: '', processData: true, async: true, cache: true, username: '', password: '', headers: {}, xhrFields: {}, statusCode: {}, dataType: 'text', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', timeout: 0, global: true, }; // globalOptions 中的回调函数不合并 each(globalOptions, function (key, value) { var callbacks = [ 'beforeSend', 'success', 'error', 'complete', 'statusCode' ]; // @ts-ignore if (callbacks.indexOf(key) < 0 && !isUndefined(value)) { defaults[key] = value; } }); return extend({}, defaults, options); } /** * 发送 ajax 请求 * @param options * @example ```js ajax({ method: "POST", url: "some.php", data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" } }).then(function( msg ) { alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); }); ``` */ function ajax(options) { // 是否已取消请求 var isCanceled = false; // 事件参数 var eventParams = {}; // 参数合并 var mergedOptions = mergeOptions(options); var url = mergedOptions.url || window.location.toString(); var method = mergedOptions.method.toUpperCase(); var data = mergedOptions.data; var processData = mergedOptions.processData; var async = mergedOptions.async; var cache = mergedOptions.cache; var username = mergedOptions.username; var password = mergedOptions.password; var headers = mergedOptions.headers; var xhrFields = mergedOptions.xhrFields; var statusCode = mergedOptions.statusCode; var dataType = mergedOptions.dataType; var contentType = mergedOptions.contentType; var timeout = mergedOptions.timeout; var global = mergedOptions.global; // 需要发送的数据 // GET/HEAD 请求和 processData 为 true 时,转换为查询字符串格式,特殊格式不转换 if (data && (isQueryStringData(method) || processData) && !isString(data) && !(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) && !(data instanceof Blob) && !(data instanceof Document) && !(data instanceof FormData)) { data = param(data); } // 对于 GET、HEAD 类型的请求,把 data 数据添加到 URL 中 if (data && isQueryStringData(method)) { // 查询字符串拼接到 URL 中 url = appendQuery(url, data); data = null; } /** * 触发事件和回调函数 * @param event * @param params * @param callback * @param args */ function trigger(event, params, callback) { var args = [], len = arguments.length - 3; while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 3 ]; // 触发全局事件 if (global) { $(document).trigger(event, params); } // 触发 ajax 回调和事件 var result1; var result2; if (callback) { // 全局回调 if (callback in globalOptions) { // @ts-ignore result1 = globalOptions[callback].apply(globalOptions, args); } // 自定义回调 if (mergedOptions[callback]) { // @ts-ignore result2 = mergedOptions[callback].apply(mergedOptions, args); } // beforeSend 回调返回 false 时取消 ajax 请求 if (callback === 'beforeSend' && (result1 === false || result2 === false)) { isCanceled = true; } } } // XMLHttpRequest 请求 function XHR() { var textStatus; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // GET/HEAD 请求的缓存处理 if (isQueryStringData(method) && !cache) { url = appendQuery(url, ("_=" + (Date.now()))); } // 创建 XHR var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(method, url, async, username, password); if (contentType || (data && !isQueryStringData(method) && contentType !== false)) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType); } // 设置 Accept if (dataType === 'json') { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript'); } // 添加 headers if (headers) { each(headers, function (key, value) { // undefined 值不发送,string 和 null 需要发送 if (!isUndefined(value)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value + ''); // 把 null 转换成字符串 } }); } // 检查是否是跨域请求,跨域请求时不添加 X-Requested-With var crossDomain = /^([\w-]+:)?\/\/([^/]+)/.test(url) && RegExp.$2 !== window.location.host; if (!crossDomain) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); } if (xhrFields) { each(xhrFields, function (key, value) { // @ts-ignore xhr[key] = value; }); } eventParams.xhr = xhr; eventParams.options = mergedOptions; var xhrTimeout; xhr.onload = function () { if (xhrTimeout) { clearTimeout(xhrTimeout); } // AJAX 返回的 HTTP 响应码是否表示成功 var isHttpStatusSuccess = (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304 || xhr.status === 0; var responseData; if (isHttpStatusSuccess) { if (xhr.status === 204 || method === 'HEAD') { textStatus = 'nocontent'; } else if (xhr.status === 304) { textStatus = 'notmodified'; } else { textStatus = 'success'; } if (dataType === 'json') { try { responseData = method === 'HEAD' ? undefined : JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); eventParams.data = responseData; } catch (err) { textStatus = 'parsererror'; trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxError, eventParams, 'error', xhr, textStatus); reject(new Error(textStatus)); } if (textStatus !== 'parsererror') { trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxSuccess, eventParams, 'success', responseData, textStatus, xhr); resolve(responseData); } } else { responseData = method === 'HEAD' ? undefined : xhr.responseType === 'text' || xhr.responseType === '' ? xhr.responseText : xhr.response; eventParams.data = responseData; trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxSuccess, eventParams, 'success', responseData, textStatus, xhr); resolve(responseData); } } else { textStatus = 'error'; trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxError, eventParams, 'error', xhr, textStatus); reject(new Error(textStatus)); } // statusCode each([globalOptions.statusCode, statusCode], function (_, func) { if (func && func[xhr.status]) { if (isHttpStatusSuccess) { func[xhr.status](responseData, textStatus, xhr); } else { func[xhr.status](xhr, textStatus); } } }); trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxComplete, eventParams, 'complete', xhr, textStatus); }; xhr.onerror = function () { if (xhrTimeout) { clearTimeout(xhrTimeout); } trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxError, eventParams, 'error', xhr, xhr.statusText); trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxComplete, eventParams, 'complete', xhr, 'error'); reject(new Error(xhr.statusText)); }; xhr.onabort = function () { var statusText = 'abort'; if (xhrTimeout) { statusText = 'timeout'; clearTimeout(xhrTimeout); } trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxError, eventParams, 'error', xhr, statusText); trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxComplete, eventParams, 'complete', xhr, statusText); reject(new Error(statusText)); }; // ajax start 回调 trigger(ajaxEvents.ajaxStart, eventParams, 'beforeSend', xhr); if (isCanceled) { reject(new Error('cancel')); return; } // Timeout if (timeout > 0) { xhrTimeout = setTimeout(function () { xhr.abort(); }, timeout); } // 发送 XHR xhr.send(data); }); } return XHR(); } $.ajax = ajax; /** * 为 Ajax 请求设置全局配置参数 * @param options 键值对参数 * @example ```js ajaxSetup({ dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', }); ``` */ function ajaxSetup(options) { return extend(globalOptions, options); } $.ajaxSetup = ajaxSetup; $.contains = contains; var dataNS = '_mduiElementDataStorage'; /** * 在元素上设置键值对数据 * @param element * @param object */ function setObjectToElement(element, object) { // @ts-ignore if (!element[dataNS]) { // @ts-ignore element[dataNS] = {}; } each(object, function (key, value) { // @ts-ignore element[dataNS][toCamelCase(key)] = value; }); } function data(element, key, value) { var obj; // 根据键值对设置值 // data(element, { 'key' : 'value' }) if (isObjectLike(key)) { setObjectToElement(element, key); return key; } // 根据 key、value 设置值 // data(element, 'key', 'value') if (!isUndefined(value)) { setObjectToElement(element, ( obj = {}, obj[key] = value, obj )); return value; } // 获取所有值 // data(element) if (isUndefined(key)) { // @ts-ignore return element[dataNS] ? element[dataNS] : {}; } // 从 dataNS 中获取指定值 // data(element, 'key') key = toCamelCase(key); // @ts-ignore if (element[dataNS] && key in element[dataNS]) { // @ts-ignore return element[dataNS][key]; } return undefined; } $.data = data; $.each = each; $.extend = function () { var this$1 = this; var objectN = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) objectN[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; if (objectN.length === 1) { each(objectN[0], function (prop, value) { this$1[prop] = value; }); return this; } return extend.apply(void 0, [ objectN.shift(), objectN.shift() ].concat( objectN )); }; function map(elements, callback) { var ref; var value; var ret = []; each(elements, function (i, element) { value = callback.call(window, element, i); if (value != null) { ret.push(value); } }); return (ref = []).concat.apply(ref, ret); } $.map = map; $.merge = merge; $.param = param; /** * 移除指定元素上存放的数据 * @param element 存放数据的元素 * @param name * 数据键名 * * 若未指定键名,将移除元素上所有数据 * * 多个键名可以用空格分隔,或者用数组表示多个键名 @example ```js // 移除元素上键名为 name 的数据 removeData(document.body, 'name'); ``` * @example ```js // 移除元素上键名为 name1 和 name2 的数据 removeData(document.body, 'name1 name2'); ``` * @example ```js // 移除元素上键名为 name1 和 name2 的数据 removeData(document.body, ['name1', 'name2']); ``` * @example ```js // 移除元素上所有数据 removeData(document.body); ``` */ function removeData(element, name) { // @ts-ignore if (!element[dataNS]) { return; } var remove = function (nameItem) { nameItem = toCamelCase(nameItem); // @ts-ignore if (element[dataNS][nameItem]) { // @ts-ignore element[dataNS][nameItem] = null; // @ts-ignore delete element[dataNS][nameItem]; } }; if (isUndefined(name)) { // @ts-ignore element[dataNS] = null; // @ts-ignore delete element[dataNS]; // @ts-ignore } else if (isString(name)) { name .split(' ') .filter(function (nameItem) { return nameItem; }) .forEach(function (nameItem) { return remove(nameItem); }); } else { each(name, function (_, nameItem) { return remove(nameItem); }); } } $.removeData = removeData; /** * 过滤掉数组中的重复元素 * @param arr 数组 * @example ```js unique([1, 2, 12, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1]); // [1, 2, 12, 3] ``` */ function unique(arr) { var result = []; each(arr, function (_, val) { if (result.indexOf(val) === -1) { result.push(val); } }); return result; } $.unique = unique; $.fn.add = function (selector) { return new JQ(unique(merge(this.get(), $(selector).get()))); }; each(['add', 'remove', 'toggle'], function (_, name) { $.fn[(name + "Class")] = function (className) { if (name === 'remove' && !arguments.length) { return this.each(function (_, element) { element.setAttribute('class', ''); }); } return this.each(function (i, element) { if (!isElement(element)) { return; } var classes = (isFunction(className) ? className.call(element, i, element.getAttribute('class') || '') : className) .split(' ') .filter(function (name) { return name; }); each(classes, function (_, cls) { element.classList[name](cls); }); }); }; }); each(['insertBefore', 'insertAfter'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[name] = function (target) { var $element = nameIndex ? $(this.get().reverse()) : this; // 顺序和 jQuery 保持一致 var $target = $(target); var result = []; $target.each(function (index, target) { if (!target.parentNode) { return; } $element.each(function (_, element) { var newItem = index ? element.cloneNode(true) : element; var existingItem = nameIndex ? target.nextSibling : target; result.push(newItem); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newItem, existingItem); }); }); return $(nameIndex ? result.reverse() : result); }; }); /** * 是否不是 HTML 字符串(包裹在 <> 中) * @param target */ function isPlainText(target) { return (isString(target) && (target[0] !== '<' || target[target.length - 1] !== '>')); } each(['before', 'after'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[name] = function () { var args = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; // after 方法,多个参数需要按参数顺序添加到元素后面,所以需要将参数顺序反向处理 if (nameIndex === 1) { args = args.reverse(); } return this.each(function (index, element) { var targets = isFunction(args[0]) ? [args[0].call(element, index, element.innerHTML)] : args; each(targets, function (_, target) { var $target; if (isPlainText(target)) { $target = $(getChildNodesArray(target, 'div')); } else if (index && isElement(target)) { $target = $(target.cloneNode(true)); } else { $target = $(target); } $target[nameIndex ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore'](element); }); }); }; }); $.fn.off = function (types, selector, callback) { var this$1 = this; // types 是对象 if (isObjectLike(types)) { each(types, function (type, fn) { // this.off('click', undefined, function () {}) // this.off('click', '.box', function () {}) this$1.off(type, selector, fn); }); return this; } // selector 不存在 if (selector === false || isFunction(selector)) { callback = selector; selector = undefined; // this.off('click', undefined, function () {}) } // callback 传入 `false`,相当于 `return false` if (callback === false) { callback = returnFalse; } return this.each(function () { remove(this, types, callback, selector); }); }; $.fn.on = function (types, selector, data, callback, one) { var this$1 = this; // types 可以是 type/func 对象 if (isObjectLike(types)) { // (types-Object, selector, data) if (!isString(selector)) { // (types-Object, data) data = data || selector; selector = undefined; } each(types, function (type, fn) { // selector 和 data 都可能是 undefined // @ts-ignore this$1.on(type, selector, data, fn, one); }); return this; } if (data == null && callback == null) { // (types, fn) callback = selector; data = selector = undefined; } else if (callback == null) { if (isString(selector)) { // (types, selector, fn) callback = data; data = undefined; } else { // (types, data, fn) callback = data; data = selector; selector = undefined; } } if (callback === false) { callback = returnFalse; } else if (!callback) { return this; } // $().one() if (one) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var _this = this; var origCallback = callback; callback = function (event) { _this.off(event.type, selector, callback); // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params return origCallback.apply(this, arguments); }; } return this.each(function () { add(this, types, callback, data, selector); }); }; each(ajaxEvents, function (name, eventName) { $.fn[name] = function (fn) { return this.on(eventName, function (e, params) { fn(e, params.xhr, params.options, params.data); }); }; }); $.fn.map = function (callback) { return new JQ(map(this, function (element, i) { return callback.call(element, i, element); })); }; $.fn.clone = function () { return this.map(function () { return this.cloneNode(true); }); }; $.fn.is = function (selector) { var isMatched = false; if (isFunction(selector)) { this.each(function (index, element) { if (selector.call(element, index, element)) { isMatched = true; } }); return isMatched; } if (isString(selector)) { this.each(function (_, element) { if (isDocument(element) || isWindow(element)) { return; } // @ts-ignore var matches = element.matches || element.msMatchesSelector; if (matches.call(element, selector)) { isMatched = true; } }); return isMatched; } var $compareWith = $(selector); this.each(function (_, element) { $compareWith.each(function (_, compare) { if (element === compare) { isMatched = true; } }); }); return isMatched; }; $.fn.remove = function (selector) { return this.each(function (_, element) { if (element.parentNode && (!selector || $(element).is(selector))) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } }); }; each(['prepend', 'append'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[name] = function () { var args = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; return this.each(function (index, element) { var ref; var childNodes = element.childNodes; var childLength = childNodes.length; var child = childLength ? childNodes[nameIndex ? childLength - 1 : 0] : document.createElement('div'); if (!childLength) { element.appendChild(child); } var contents = isFunction(args[0]) ? [args[0].call(element, index, element.innerHTML)] : args; // 如果不是字符串,则仅第一个元素使用原始元素,其他的都克隆自第一个元素 if (index) { contents = contents.map(function (content) { return isString(content) ? content : $(content).clone(); }); } (ref = $(child))[nameIndex ? 'after' : 'before'].apply(ref, contents); if (!childLength) { element.removeChild(child); } }); }; }); each(['appendTo', 'prependTo'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[name] = function (target) { var extraChilds = []; var $target = $(target).map(function (_, element) { var childNodes = element.childNodes; var childLength = childNodes.length; if (childLength) { return childNodes[nameIndex ? 0 : childLength - 1]; } var child = document.createElement('div'); element.appendChild(child); extraChilds.push(child); return child; }); var $result = this[nameIndex ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter']($target); $(extraChilds).remove(); return $result; }; }); each(['attr', 'prop', 'css'], function (nameIndex, name) { function set(element, key, value) { // 值为 undefined 时,不修改 if (isUndefined(value)) { return; } switch (nameIndex) { // attr case 0: if (isNull(value)) { element.removeAttribute(key); } else { element.setAttribute(key, value); } break; // prop case 1: // @ts-ignore element[key] = value; break; // css default: key = toCamelCase(key); // @ts-ignore element.style[key] = isNumber(value) ? ("" + value + (cssNumber.indexOf(key) > -1 ? '' : 'px')) : value; break; } } function get(element, key) { switch (nameIndex) { // attr case 0: // 属性不存在时,原生 getAttribute 方法返回 null,而 jquery 返回 undefined。这里和 jquery 保持一致 var value = element.getAttribute(key); return isNull(value) ? undefined : value; // prop case 1: // @ts-ignore return element[key]; // css default: return getStyle(element, key); } } $.fn[name] = function (key, value) { var this$1 = this; if (isObjectLike(key)) { each(key, function (k, v) { // @ts-ignore this$1[name](k, v); }); return this; } if (arguments.length === 1) { var element = this[0]; return isElement(element) ? get(element, key) : undefined; } return this.each(function (i, element) { set(element, key, isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, i, get(element, key)) : value); }); }; }); $.fn.children = function (selector) { var children = []; this.each(function (_, element) { each(element.childNodes, function (__, childNode) { if (!isElement(childNode)) { return; } if (!selector || $(childNode).is(selector)) { children.push(childNode); } }); }); return new JQ(unique(children)); }; $.fn.slice = function () { var args = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; return new JQ([].slice.apply(this, args)); }; $.fn.eq = function (index) { var ret = index === -1 ? this.slice(index) : this.slice(index, +index + 1); return new JQ(ret); }; function dir($elements, nameIndex, node, selector, filter) { var ret = []; var target; $elements.each(function (_, element) { target = element[node]; // 不能包含最顶层的 document 元素 while (target && isElement(target)) { // prevUntil, nextUntil, parentsUntil if (nameIndex === 2) { if (selector && $(target).is(selector)) { break; } if (!filter || $(target).is(filter)) { ret.push(target); } } // prev, next, parent else if (nameIndex === 0) { if (!selector || $(target).is(selector)) { ret.push(target); } break; } // prevAll, nextAll, parents else { if (!selector || $(target).is(selector)) { ret.push(target); } } // @ts-ignore target = target[node]; } }); return new JQ(unique(ret)); } each(['', 's', 'sUntil'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[("parent" + name)] = function (selector, filter) { // parents、parentsUntil 需要把元素的顺序反向处理,以便和 jQuery 的结果一致 var $nodes = !nameIndex ? this : $(this.get().reverse()); return dir($nodes, nameIndex, 'parentNode', selector, filter); }; }); $.fn.closest = function (selector) { if (this.is(selector)) { return this; } var matched = []; this.parents().each(function (_, element) { if ($(element).is(selector)) { matched.push(element); return false; } }); return new JQ(matched); }; var rbrace = /^(?:{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/; // 从 `data-*` 中获取的值,需要经过该函数转换 function getData(value) { if (value === 'true') { return true; } if (value === 'false') { return false; } if (value === 'null') { return null; } if (value === +value + '') { return +value; } if (rbrace.test(value)) { return JSON.parse(value); } return value; } // 若 value 不存在,则从 `data-*` 中获取值 function dataAttr(element, key, value) { if (isUndefined(value) && element.nodeType === 1) { var name = 'data-' + toKebabCase(key); value = element.getAttribute(name); if (isString(value)) { try { value = getData(value); } catch (e) { } } else { value = undefined; } } return value; } $.fn.data = function (key, value) { // 获取所有值 if (isUndefined(key)) { if (!this.length) { return undefined; } var element = this[0]; var resultData = data(element); // window, document 上不存在 `data-*` 属性 if (element.nodeType !== 1) { return resultData; } // 从 `data-*` 中获取值 var attrs = element.attributes; var i = attrs.length; while (i--) { if (attrs[i]) { var name = attrs[i].name; if (name.indexOf('data-') === 0) { name = toCamelCase(name.slice(5)); resultData[name] = dataAttr(element, name, resultData[name]); } } } return resultData; } // 同时设置多个值 if (isObjectLike(key)) { return this.each(function () { data(this, key); }); } // value 传入了 undefined if (arguments.length === 2 && isUndefined(value)) { return this; } // 设置值 if (!isUndefined(value)) { return this.each(function () { data(this, key, value); }); } // 获取值 if (!this.length) { return undefined; } return dataAttr(this[0], key, data(this[0], key)); }; $.fn.empty = function () { return this.each(function () { this.innerHTML = ''; }); }; $.fn.extend = function (obj) { each(obj, function (prop, value) { // 在 JQ 对象上扩展方法时,需要自己添加 typescript 的类型定义 $.fn[prop] = value; }); return this; }; $.fn.filter = function (selector) { if (isFunction(selector)) { return this.map(function (index, element) { return selector.call(element, index, element) ? element : undefined; }); } if (isString(selector)) { return this.map(function (_, element) { return $(element).is(selector) ? element : undefined; }); } var $selector = $(selector); return this.map(function (_, element) { return $selector.get().indexOf(element) > -1 ? element : undefined; }); }; $.fn.first = function () { return this.eq(0); }; $.fn.has = function (selector) { var $targets = isString(selector) ? this.find(selector) : $(selector); var length = $targets.length; return this.map(function () { for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { if (contains(this, $targets[i])) { return this; } } return; }); }; $.fn.hasClass = function (className) { return this[0].classList.contains(className); }; /** * 值上面的 padding、border、margin 处理 * @param element * @param name * @param value * @param funcIndex * @param includeMargin * @param multiply */ function handleExtraWidth(element, name, value, funcIndex, includeMargin, multiply) { // 获取元素的 padding, border, margin 宽度(两侧宽度的和) var getExtraWidthValue = function (extra) { return (getExtraWidth(element, name.toLowerCase(), extra) * multiply); }; if (funcIndex === 2 && includeMargin) { value += getExtraWidthValue('margin'); } if (isBorderBox(element)) { // IE 为 box-sizing: border-box 时,得到的值不含 border 和 padding,这里先修复 // 仅获取时需要处理,multiply === 1 为 get if (isIE() && multiply === 1) { value += getExtraWidthValue('border'); value += getExtraWidthValue('padding'); } if (funcIndex === 0) { value -= getExtraWidthValue('border'); } if (funcIndex === 1) { value -= getExtraWidthValue('border'); value -= getExtraWidthValue('padding'); } } else { if (funcIndex === 0) { value += getExtraWidthValue('padding'); } if (funcIndex === 2) { value += getExtraWidthValue('border'); value += getExtraWidthValue('padding'); } } return value; } /** * 获取元素的样式值 * @param element * @param name * @param funcIndex 0: innerWidth, innerHeight; 1: width, height; 2: outerWidth, outerHeight * @param includeMargin */ function get(element, name, funcIndex, includeMargin) { var clientProp = "client" + name; var scrollProp = "scroll" + name; var offsetProp = "offset" + name; var innerProp = "inner" + name; // $(window).width() if (isWindow(element)) { // outerWidth, outerHeight 需要包含滚动条的宽度 return funcIndex === 2 ? element[innerProp] : toElement(document)[clientProp]; } // $(document).width() if (isDocument(element)) { var doc = toElement(element); return Math.max( // @ts-ignore element.body[scrollProp], doc[scrollProp], // @ts-ignore element.body[offsetProp], doc[offsetProp], doc[clientProp]); } var value = parseFloat(getComputedStyleValue(element, name.toLowerCase()) || '0'); return handleExtraWidth(element, name, value, funcIndex, includeMargin, 1); } /** * 设置元素的样式值 * @param element * @param elementIndex * @param name * @param funcIndex 0: innerWidth, innerHeight; 1: width, height; 2: outerWidth, outerHeight * @param includeMargin * @param value */ function set(element, elementIndex, name, funcIndex, includeMargin, value) { var computedValue = isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, elementIndex, get(element, name, funcIndex, includeMargin)) : value; if (computedValue == null) { return; } var $element = $(element); var dimension = name.toLowerCase(); // 特殊的值,不需要计算 padding、border、margin if (['auto', 'inherit', ''].indexOf(computedValue) > -1) { $element.css(dimension, computedValue); return; } // 其他值保留原始单位。注意:如果不使用 px 作为单位,则算出的值一般是不准确的 var suffix = computedValue.toString().replace(/\b[0-9.]*/, ''); var numerical = parseFloat(computedValue); computedValue = handleExtraWidth(element, name, numerical, funcIndex, includeMargin, -1) + (suffix || 'px'); $element.css(dimension, computedValue); } each(['Width', 'Height'], function (_, name) { each([("inner" + name), name.toLowerCase(), ("outer" + name)], function (funcIndex, funcName) { $.fn[funcName] = function (margin, value) { // 是否是赋值操作 var isSet = arguments.length && (funcIndex < 2 || !isBoolean(margin)); var includeMargin = margin === true || value === true; // 获取第一个元素的值 if (!isSet) { return this.length ? get(this[0], name, funcIndex, includeMargin) : undefined; } // 设置每个元素的值 return this.each(function (index, element) { return set(element, index, name, funcIndex, includeMargin, margin); }); }; }); }); $.fn.hide = function () { return this.each(function () { this.style.display = 'none'; }); }; each(['val', 'html', 'text'], function (nameIndex, name) { var props = { 0: 'value', 1: 'innerHTML', 2: 'textContent', }; var propName = props[nameIndex]; function get($elements) { // text() 获取所有元素的文本 if (nameIndex === 2) { // @ts-ignore return map($elements, function (element) { return toElement(element)[propName]; }).join(''); } // 空集合时,val() 和 html() 返回 undefined if (!$elements.length) { return undefined; } // val() 和 html() 仅获取第一个元素的内容 var firstElement = $elements[0]; // select multiple 返回数组 if (nameIndex === 0 && $(firstElement).is('select[multiple]')) { return map($(firstElement).find('option:checked'), function (element) { return element.value; }); } // @ts-ignore return firstElement[propName]; } function set(element, value) { // text() 和 html() 赋值为 undefined,则保持原内容不变 // val() 赋值为 undefined 则赋值为空 if (isUndefined(value)) { if (nameIndex !== 0) { return; } value = ''; } if (nameIndex === 1 && isElement(value)) { value = value.outerHTML; } // @ts-ignore element[propName] = value; } $.fn[name] = function (value) { // 获取值 if (!arguments.length) { return get(this); } // 设置值 return this.each(function (i, element) { var computedValue = isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, i, get($(element))) : value; // value 是数组,则选中数组中的元素,反选不在数组中的元素 if (nameIndex === 0 && Array.isArray(computedValue)) { // select[multiple] if ($(element).is('select[multiple]')) { map($(element).find('option'), function (option) { return (option.selected = computedValue.indexOf(option.value) > -1); }); } // 其他 checkbox, radio 等元素 else { element.checked = computedValue.indexOf(element.value) > -1; } } else { set(element, computedValue); } }); }; }); $.fn.index = function (selector) { if (!arguments.length) { return this.eq(0).parent().children().get().indexOf(this[0]); } if (isString(selector)) { return $(selector).get().indexOf(this[0]); } return this.get().indexOf($(selector)[0]); }; $.fn.last = function () { return this.eq(-1); }; each(['', 'All', 'Until'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[("next" + name)] = function (selector, filter) { return dir(this, nameIndex, 'nextElementSibling', selector, filter); }; }); $.fn.not = function (selector) { var $excludes = this.filter(selector); return this.map(function (_, element) { return $excludes.index(element) > -1 ? undefined : element; }); }; /** * 返回最近的用于定位的父元素 */ $.fn.offsetParent = function () { return this.map(function () { var offsetParent = this.offsetParent; while (offsetParent && $(offsetParent).css('position') === 'static') { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } return offsetParent || document.documentElement; }); }; function floatStyle($element, name) { return parseFloat($element.css(name)); } $.fn.position = function () { if (!this.length) { return undefined; } var $element = this.eq(0); var currentOffset; var parentOffset = { left: 0, top: 0, }; if ($element.css('position') === 'fixed') { currentOffset = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); } else { currentOffset = $element.offset(); var $offsetParent = $element.offsetParent(); parentOffset = $offsetParent.offset(); parentOffset.top += floatStyle($offsetParent, 'border-top-width'); parentOffset.left += floatStyle($offsetParent, 'border-left-width'); } return { top: currentOffset.top - parentOffset.top - floatStyle($element, 'margin-top'), left: currentOffset.left - parentOffset.left - floatStyle($element, 'margin-left'), }; }; function get$1(element) { if (!element.getClientRects().length) { return { top: 0, left: 0 }; } var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); var win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; return { top: rect.top + win.pageYOffset, left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset, }; } function set$1(element, value, index) { var $element = $(element); var position = $element.css('position'); if (position === 'static') { $element.css('position', 'relative'); } var currentOffset = get$1(element); var currentTopString = $element.css('top'); var currentLeftString = $element.css('left'); var currentTop; var currentLeft; var calculatePosition = (position === 'absolute' || position === 'fixed') && (currentTopString + currentLeftString).indexOf('auto') > -1; if (calculatePosition) { var currentPosition = $element.position(); currentTop = currentPosition.top; currentLeft = currentPosition.left; } else { currentTop = parseFloat(currentTopString); currentLeft = parseFloat(currentLeftString); } var computedValue = isFunction(value) ? value.call(element, index, extend({}, currentOffset)) : value; $element.css({ top: computedValue.top != null ? computedValue.top - currentOffset.top + currentTop : undefined, left: computedValue.left != null ? computedValue.left - currentOffset.left + currentLeft : undefined, }); } $.fn.offset = function (value) { // 获取坐标 if (!arguments.length) { if (!this.length) { return undefined; } return get$1(this[0]); } // 设置坐标 return this.each(function (index) { set$1(this, value, index); }); }; $.fn.one = function (types, selector, data, callback) { // @ts-ignore return this.on(types, selector, data, callback, true); }; each(['', 'All', 'Until'], function (nameIndex, name) { $.fn[("prev" + name)] = function (selector, filter) { // prevAll、prevUntil 需要把元素的顺序倒序处理,以便和 jQuery 的结果一致 var $nodes = !nameIndex ? this : $(this.get().reverse()); return dir($nodes, nameIndex, 'previousElementSibling', selector, filter); }; }); $.fn.removeAttr = function (attributeName) { var names = attributeName.split(' ').filter(function (name) { return name; }); return this.each(function () { var this$1 = this; each(names, function (_, name) { this$1.removeAttribute(name); }); }); }; $.fn.removeData = function (name) { return this.each(function () { removeData(this, name); }); }; $.fn.removeProp = function (name) { return this.each(function () { try { // @ts-ignore delete this[name]; } catch (e) { } }); }; $.fn.replaceWith = function (newContent) { this.each(function (index, element) { var content = newContent; if (isFunction(content)) { content = content.call(element, index, element.innerHTML); } else if (index && !isString(content)) { content = $(content).clone(); } $(element).before(content); }); return this.remove(); }; $.fn.replaceAll = function (target) { var this$1 = this; return $(target).map(function (index, element) { $(element).replaceWith(index ? this$1.clone() : this$1); return this$1.get(); }); }; /** * 将表单元素的值组合成键值对数组 * @returns {Array} */ $.fn.serializeArray = function () { var result = []; this.each(function (_, element) { var elements = element instanceof HTMLFormElement ? element.elements : [element]; $(elements).each(function (_, element) { var $element = $(element); var type = element.type; var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName !== 'fieldset' && element.name && !element.disabled && ['input', 'select', 'textarea', 'keygen'].indexOf(nodeName) > -1 && ['submit', 'button', 'image', 'reset', 'file'].indexOf(type) === -1 && (['radio', 'checkbox'].indexOf(type) === -1 || element.checked)) { var value = $element.val(); var valueArr = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; valueArr.forEach(function (value) { result.push({ name: element.name, value: value, }); }); } }); }); return result; }; $.fn.serialize = function () { return param(this.serializeArray()); }; var elementDisplay = {}; /** * 获取元素的初始 display 值,用于 .show() 方法 * @param nodeName */ function defaultDisplay(nodeName) { var element; var display; if (!elementDisplay[nodeName]) { element = document.createElement(nodeName); document.body.appendChild(element); display = getStyle(element, 'display'); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); if (display === 'none') { display = 'block'; } elementDisplay[nodeName] = display; } return elementDisplay[nodeName]; } /** * 显示指定元素 * @returns {JQ} */ $.fn.show = function () { return this.each(function () { if (this.style.display === 'none') { this.style.display = ''; } if (getStyle(this, 'display') === 'none') { this.style.display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName); } }); }; /** * 取得同辈元素的集合 * @param selector {String=} * @returns {JQ} */ $.fn.siblings = function (selector) { return this.prevAll(selector).add(this.nextAll(selector)); }; /** * 切换元素的显示状态 */ $.fn.toggle = function () { return this.each(function () { getStyle(this, 'display') === 'none' ? $(this).show() : $(this).hide(); }); }; $.fn.reflow = function () { return this.each(function () { return this.clientLeft; }); }; $.fn.transition = function (duration) { if (isNumber(duration)) { duration = duration + "ms"; } return this.each(function () { this.style.webkitTransitionDuration = duration; this.style.transitionDuration = duration; }); }; $.fn.transitionEnd = function (callback) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; var events = ['webkitTransitionEnd', 'transitionend']; function fireCallback(e) { if (e.target !== this) { return; } // @ts-ignore callback.call(this, e); each(events, function (_, event) { that.off(event, fireCallback); }); } each(events, function (_, event) { that.on(event, fireCallback); }); return this; }; $.fn.transformOrigin = function (transformOrigin) { return this.each(function () { this.style.webkitTransformOrigin = transformOrigin; this.style.transformOrigin = transformOrigin; }); }; $.fn.transform = function (transform) { return this.each(function () { this.style.webkitTransform = transform; this.style.transform = transform; }); }; /** * CSS 选择器和初始化函数组成的对象 */ var entries = {}; /** * 注册并执行初始化函数 * @param selector CSS 选择器 * @param apiInit 初始化函数 * @param i 元素索引 * @param element 元素 */ function mutation(selector, apiInit, i, element) { var selectors = data(element, '_mdui_mutation'); if (!selectors) { selectors = []; data(element, '_mdui_mutation', selectors); } if (selectors.indexOf(selector) === -1) { selectors.push(selector); apiInit.call(element, i, element); } } $.fn.mutation = function () { return this.each(function (i, element) { var $this = $(element); each(entries, function (selector, apiInit) { if ($this.is(selector)) { mutation(selector, apiInit, i, element); } $this.find(selector).each(function (i, element) { mutation(selector, apiInit, i, element); }); }); }); }; $.showOverlay = function (zIndex) { var $overlay = $('.mdui-overlay'); if ($overlay.length) { $overlay.data('_overlay_is_deleted', false); if (!isUndefined(zIndex)) { $overlay.css('z-index', zIndex); } } else { if (isUndefined(zIndex)) { zIndex = 2000; } $overlay = $('
') .appendTo(document.body) .reflow() .css('z-index', zIndex); } var level = $overlay.data('_overlay_level') || 0; return $overlay.data('_overlay_level', ++level).addClass('mdui-overlay-show'); }; $.hideOverlay = function (force) { if ( force === void 0 ) force = false; var $overlay = $('.mdui-overlay'); if (!$overlay.length) { return; } var level = force ? 1 : $overlay.data('_overlay_level'); if (level > 1) { $overlay.data('_overlay_level', --level); return; } $overlay .data('_overlay_level', 0) .removeClass('mdui-overlay-show') .data('_overlay_is_deleted', true) .transitionEnd(function () { if ($overlay.data('_overlay_is_deleted')) { $overlay.remove(); } }); }; $.lockScreen = function () { var $body = $('body'); // 不直接把 body 设为 box-sizing: border-box,避免污染全局样式 var newBodyWidth = $body.width(); var level = $body.data('_lockscreen_level') || 0; $body .addClass('mdui-locked') .width(newBodyWidth) .data('_lockscreen_level', ++level); }; $.unlockScreen = function (force) { if ( force === void 0 ) force = false; var $body = $('body'); var level = force ? 1 : $body.data('_lockscreen_level'); if (level > 1) { $body.data('_lockscreen_level', --level); return; } $body.data('_lockscreen_level', 0).removeClass('mdui-locked').width(''); }; $.throttle = function (fn, delay) { if ( delay === void 0 ) delay = 16; var timer = null; return function () { var this$1 = this; var args = [], len = arguments.length; while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; if (isNull(timer)) { timer = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(this$1, args); timer = null; }, delay); } }; }; var GUID = {}; $.guid = function (name) { if (!isUndefined(name) && !isUndefined(GUID[name])) { return GUID[name]; } function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) .toString(16) .substring(1); } var guid = '_' + s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); if (!isUndefined(name)) { GUID[name] = guid; } return guid; }; mdui.mutation = function (selector, apiInit) { if (isUndefined(selector) || isUndefined(apiInit)) { $(document).mutation(); return; } entries[selector] = apiInit; $(selector).each(function (i, element) { return mutation(selector, apiInit, i, element); }); }; /** * 触发组件上的事件 * @param eventName 事件名 * @param componentName 组件名 * @param target 在该元素上触发事件 * @param instance 组件实例 * @param parameters 事件参数 */ function componentEvent(eventName, componentName, target, instance, parameters) { if (!parameters) { parameters = {}; } // @ts-ignore parameters.inst = instance; var fullEventName = eventName + ".mdui." + componentName; // jQuery 事件 // @ts-ignore if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined') { // @ts-ignore jQuery(target).trigger(fullEventName, parameters); } var $target = $(target); // mdui.jq 事件 $target.trigger(fullEventName, parameters); var eventParams = { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: parameters, }; var eventObject = new CustomEvent(fullEventName, eventParams); // @ts-ignore eventObject._detail = parameters; $target[0].dispatchEvent(eventObject); } var $document = $(document); var $window = $(window); $('body'); var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { tolerance: 5, offset: 0, initialClass: 'mdui-headroom', pinnedClass: 'mdui-headroom-pinned-top', unpinnedClass: 'mdui-headroom-unpinned-top', }; var Headroom = function Headroom(selector, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS); /** * 当前 headroom 的状态 */ this.state = 'pinned'; /** * 当前是否启用 */ this.isEnable = false; /** * 上次滚动后,垂直方向的距离 */ this.lastScrollY = 0; /** * AnimationFrame ID */ this.rafId = 0; this.$element = $(selector).first(); extend(this.options, options); // tolerance 参数若为数值,转换为对象 var tolerance = this.options.tolerance; if (isNumber(tolerance)) { this.options.tolerance = { down: tolerance, up: tolerance, }; } this.enable(); }; /** * 滚动时的处理 */ Headroom.prototype.onScroll = function onScroll () { var this$1 = this; this.rafId = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { var currentScrollY = window.pageYOffset; var direction = currentScrollY > this$1.lastScrollY ? 'down' : 'up'; var tolerance = this$1.options.tolerance[direction]; var scrolled = Math.abs(currentScrollY - this$1.lastScrollY); var toleranceExceeded = scrolled >= tolerance; if (currentScrollY > this$1.lastScrollY && currentScrollY >= this$1.options.offset && toleranceExceeded) { this$1.unpin(); } else if ((currentScrollY < this$1.lastScrollY && toleranceExceeded) || currentScrollY <= this$1.options.offset) { this$1.pin(); } this$1.lastScrollY = currentScrollY; }); }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Headroom.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'headroom', this.$element, this); }; /** * 动画结束的回调 */ Headroom.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd () { if (this.state === 'pinning') { this.state = 'pinned'; this.triggerEvent('pinned'); } if (this.state === 'unpinning') { this.state = 'unpinned'; this.triggerEvent('unpinned'); } }; /** * 使元素固定住 */ Headroom.prototype.pin = function pin () { var this$1 = this; if (this.state === 'pinning' || this.state === 'pinned' || !this.$element.hasClass(this.options.initialClass)) { return; } this.triggerEvent('pin'); this.state = 'pinning'; this.$element .removeClass(this.options.unpinnedClass) .addClass(this.options.pinnedClass) .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 使元素隐藏 */ Headroom.prototype.unpin = function unpin () { var this$1 = this; if (this.state === 'unpinning' || this.state === 'unpinned' || !this.$element.hasClass(this.options.initialClass)) { return; } this.triggerEvent('unpin'); this.state = 'unpinning'; this.$element .removeClass(this.options.pinnedClass) .addClass(this.options.unpinnedClass) .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 启用 headroom 插件 */ Headroom.prototype.enable = function enable () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isEnable) { return; } this.isEnable = true; this.state = 'pinned'; this.$element .addClass(this.options.initialClass) .removeClass(this.options.pinnedClass) .removeClass(this.options.unpinnedClass); this.lastScrollY = window.pageYOffset; $window.on('scroll', function () { return this$1.onScroll(); }); }; /** * 禁用 headroom 插件 */ Headroom.prototype.disable = function disable () { var this$1 = this; if (!this.isEnable) { return; } this.isEnable = false; this.$element .removeClass(this.options.initialClass) .removeClass(this.options.pinnedClass) .removeClass(this.options.unpinnedClass); $window.off('scroll', function () { return this$1.onScroll(); }); window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId); }; /** * 获取当前状态。共包含四种状态:`pinning`、`pinned`、`unpinning`、`unpinned` */ Headroom.prototype.getState = function getState () { return this.state; }; mdui.Headroom = Headroom; /** * 解析 DATA API 参数 * @param element 元素 * @param name 属性名 */ function parseOptions(element, name) { var attr = $(element).attr(name); if (!attr) { return {}; } return new Function('', ("var json = " + attr + "; return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json));"))(); } var customAttr = 'mdui-headroom'; $(function () { mdui.mutation(("[" + customAttr + "]"), function () { new mdui.Headroom(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr)); }); }); var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$1 = { accordion: false, }; var CollapseAbstract = function CollapseAbstract(selector, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$1); // CSS 类名 var classPrefix = "mdui-" + (this.getNamespace()) + "-item"; this.classItem = classPrefix; this.classItemOpen = classPrefix + "-open"; this.classHeader = classPrefix + "-header"; this.classBody = classPrefix + "-body"; this.$element = $(selector).first(); extend(this.options, options); this.bindEvent(); }; /** * 绑定事件 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.bindEvent = function bindEvent () { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; // 点击 header 时,打开/关闭 item this.$element.on('click', ("." + (this.classHeader)), function () { var $header = $(this); var $item = $header.parent(); var $items = that.getItems(); $items.each(function (_, item) { if ($item.is(item)) { that.toggle(item); } }); }); // 点击关闭按钮时,关闭 item this.$element.on('click', ("[mdui-" + (this.getNamespace()) + "-item-close]"), function () { var $target = $(this); var $item = $target.parents(("." + (that.classItem))).first(); that.close($item); }); }; /** * 指定 item 是否处于打开状态 * @param $item */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen ($item) { return $item.hasClass(this.classItemOpen); }; /** * 获取所有 item */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.getItems = function getItems () { return this.$element.children(("." + (this.classItem))); }; /** * 获取指定 item * @param item */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.getItem = function getItem (item) { if (isNumber(item)) { return this.getItems().eq(item); } return $(item).first(); }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name 事件名 * @param $item 事件触发的目标 item */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name, $item) { componentEvent(name, this.getNamespace(), $item, this); }; /** * 动画结束回调 * @param $content body 元素 * @param $item item 元素 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd ($content, $item) { if (this.isOpen($item)) { $content.transition(0).height('auto').reflow().transition(''); this.triggerEvent('opened', $item); } else { $content.height(''); this.triggerEvent('closed', $item); } }; /** * 打开指定面板项 * @param item 面板项的索引号、或 CSS 选择器、或 DOM 元素、或 JQ 对象 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.open = function open (item) { var this$1 = this; var $item = this.getItem(item); if (this.isOpen($item)) { return; } // 关闭其他项 if (this.options.accordion) { this.$element.children(("." + (this.classItemOpen))).each(function (_, element) { var $element = $(element); if (!$element.is($item)) { this$1.close($element); } }); } var $content = $item.children(("." + (this.classBody))); $content .height($content[0].scrollHeight) .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd($content, $item); }); this.triggerEvent('open', $item); $item.addClass(this.classItemOpen); }; /** * 关闭指定面板项 * @param item 面板项的索引号、或 CSS 选择器、或 DOM 元素、或 JQ 对象 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.close = function close (item) { var this$1 = this; var $item = this.getItem(item); if (!this.isOpen($item)) { return; } var $content = $item.children(("." + (this.classBody))); this.triggerEvent('close', $item); $item.removeClass(this.classItemOpen); $content .transition(0) .height($content[0].scrollHeight) .reflow() .transition('') .height('') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd($content, $item); }); }; /** * 切换指定面板项的打开状态 * @param item 面板项的索引号、或 CSS 选择器、或 DOM 元素、或 JQ 对象 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.toggle = function toggle (item) { var $item = this.getItem(item); this.isOpen($item) ? this.close($item) : this.open($item); }; /** * 打开所有面板项 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.openAll = function openAll () { var this$1 = this; this.getItems().each(function (_, element) { return this$1.open(element); }); }; /** * 关闭所有面板项 */ CollapseAbstract.prototype.closeAll = function closeAll () { var this$1 = this; this.getItems().each(function (_, element) { return this$1.close(element); }); }; var Collapse = /*@__PURE__*/(function (CollapseAbstract) { function Collapse () { CollapseAbstract.apply(this, arguments); } if ( CollapseAbstract ) Collapse.__proto__ = CollapseAbstract; Collapse.prototype = Object.create( CollapseAbstract && CollapseAbstract.prototype ); Collapse.prototype.constructor = Collapse; Collapse.prototype.getNamespace = function getNamespace () { return 'collapse'; }; return Collapse; }(CollapseAbstract)); mdui.Collapse = Collapse; var customAttr$1 = 'mdui-collapse'; $(function () { mdui.mutation(("[" + customAttr$1 + "]"), function () { new mdui.Collapse(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr$1)); }); }); var Panel = /*@__PURE__*/(function (CollapseAbstract) { function Panel () { CollapseAbstract.apply(this, arguments); } if ( CollapseAbstract ) Panel.__proto__ = CollapseAbstract; Panel.prototype = Object.create( CollapseAbstract && CollapseAbstract.prototype ); Panel.prototype.constructor = Panel; Panel.prototype.getNamespace = function getNamespace () { return 'panel'; }; return Panel; }(CollapseAbstract)); mdui.Panel = Panel; var customAttr$2 = 'mdui-panel'; $(function () { mdui.mutation(("[" + customAttr$2 + "]"), function () { new mdui.Panel(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr$2)); }); }); var Table = function Table(selector) { /** * 表头 tr 元素 */ this.$thRow = $(); /** * 表格 body 中的 tr 元素 */ this.$tdRows = $(); /** * 表头的 checkbox 元素 */ this.$thCheckbox = $(); /** * 表格 body 中的 checkbox 元素 */ this.$tdCheckboxs = $(); /** * 表格行是否可选择 */ this.selectable = false; /** * 已选中的行数 */ this.selectedRow = 0; this.$element = $(selector).first(); this.init(); }; /** * 初始化表格 */ Table.prototype.init = function init () { this.$thRow = this.$element.find('thead tr'); this.$tdRows = this.$element.find('tbody tr'); this.selectable = this.$element.hasClass('mdui-table-selectable'); this.updateThCheckbox(); this.updateTdCheckbox(); this.updateNumericCol(); }; /** * 生成 checkbox 的 HTML 结构 * @param tag 标签名 */ Table.prototype.createCheckboxHTML = function createCheckboxHTML (tag) { return ("<" + tag + " class=\"mdui-table-cell-checkbox\">" + '' + ""); }; /** * 更新表头 checkbox 的状态 */ Table.prototype.updateThCheckboxStatus = function updateThCheckboxStatus () { var checkbox = this.$thCheckbox[0]; var selectedRow = this.selectedRow; var tdRowsLength = this.$tdRows.length; checkbox.checked = selectedRow === tdRowsLength; checkbox.indeterminate = !!selectedRow && selectedRow !== tdRowsLength; }; /** * 更新表格行的 checkbox */ Table.prototype.updateTdCheckbox = function updateTdCheckbox () { var this$1 = this; var rowSelectedClass = 'mdui-table-row-selected'; this.$tdRows.each(function (_, row) { var $row = $(row); // 移除旧的 checkbox $row.find('.mdui-table-cell-checkbox').remove(); if (!this$1.selectable) { return; } // 创建 DOM var $checkbox = $(this$1.createCheckboxHTML('td')) .prependTo($row) .find('input[type="checkbox"]'); // 默认选中的行 if ($row.hasClass(rowSelectedClass)) { $checkbox[0].checked = true; this$1.selectedRow++; } this$1.updateThCheckboxStatus(); // 绑定事件 $checkbox.on('change', function () { if ($checkbox[0].checked) { $row.addClass(rowSelectedClass); this$1.selectedRow++; } else { $row.removeClass(rowSelectedClass); this$1.selectedRow--; } this$1.updateThCheckboxStatus(); }); this$1.$tdCheckboxs = this$1.$tdCheckboxs.add($checkbox); }); }; /** * 更新表头的 checkbox */ Table.prototype.updateThCheckbox = function updateThCheckbox () { var this$1 = this; // 移除旧的 checkbox this.$thRow.find('.mdui-table-cell-checkbox').remove(); if (!this.selectable) { return; } this.$thCheckbox = $(this.createCheckboxHTML('th')) .prependTo(this.$thRow) .find('input[type="checkbox"]') .on('change', function () { var isCheckedAll = this$1.$thCheckbox[0].checked; this$1.selectedRow = isCheckedAll ? this$1.$tdRows.length : 0; this$1.$tdCheckboxs.each(function (_, checkbox) { checkbox.checked = isCheckedAll; }); this$1.$tdRows.each(function (_, row) { isCheckedAll ? $(row).addClass('mdui-table-row-selected') : $(row).removeClass('mdui-table-row-selected'); }); }); }; /** * 更新数值列 */ Table.prototype.updateNumericCol = function updateNumericCol () { var this$1 = this; var numericClass = 'mdui-table-col-numeric'; this.$thRow.find('th').each(function (i, th) { var isNumericCol = $(th).hasClass(numericClass); this$1.$tdRows.each(function (_, row) { var $td = $(row).find('td').eq(i); isNumericCol ? $td.addClass(numericClass) : $td.removeClass(numericClass); }); }); }; var dataName = '_mdui_table'; $(function () { mdui.mutation('.mdui-table', function () { var $element = $(this); if (!$element.data(dataName)) { $element.data(dataName, new Table($element)); } }); }); mdui.updateTables = function (selector) { var $elements = isUndefined(selector) ? $('.mdui-table') : $(selector); $elements.each(function (_, element) { var $element = $(element); var instance = $element.data(dataName); if (instance) { instance.init(); } else { $element.data(dataName, new Table($element)); } }); }; /** * touch 事件后的 500ms 内禁用 mousedown 事件 * * 不支持触控的屏幕上事件顺序为 mousedown -> mouseup -> click * 支持触控的屏幕上事件顺序为 touchstart -> touchend -> mousedown -> mouseup -> click * * 在每一个事件中都使用 TouchHandler.isAllow(event) 判断事件是否可执行 * 在 touchstart 和 touchmove、touchend、touchcancel * * (function () { * $document * .on(start, function (e) { * if (!isAllow(e)) { * return; * } * register(e); * console.log(e.type); * }) * .on(move, function (e) { * if (!isAllow(e)) { * return; * } * console.log(e.type); * }) * .on(end, function (e) { * if (!isAllow(e)) { * return; * } * console.log(e.type); * }) * .on(unlock, register); * })(); */ var startEvent = 'touchstart mousedown'; var moveEvent = 'touchmove mousemove'; var endEvent = 'touchend mouseup'; var cancelEvent = 'touchcancel mouseleave'; var unlockEvent = 'touchend touchmove touchcancel'; var touches = 0; /** * 该事件是否被允许,在执行事件前调用该方法判断事件是否可以执行 * 若已触发 touch 事件,则阻止之后的鼠标事件 * @param event */ function isAllow(event) { return !(touches && [ 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'click', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave' ].indexOf(event.type) > -1); } /** * 在 touchstart 和 touchmove、touchend、touchcancel 事件中调用该方法注册事件 * @param event */ function register(event) { if (event.type === 'touchstart') { // 触发了 touch 事件 touches += 1; } else if (['touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].indexOf(event.type) > -1) { // touch 事件结束 500ms 后解除对鼠标事件的阻止 setTimeout(function () { if (touches) { touches -= 1; } }, 500); } } /** * Inspired by https://github.com/nolimits4web/Framework7/blob/master/src/js/fast-clicks.js * https://github.com/nolimits4web/Framework7/blob/master/LICENSE * * Inspired by https://github.com/fians/Waves */ /** * 显示涟漪动画 * @param event * @param $ripple */ function show(event, $ripple) { // 鼠标右键不产生涟漪 if (event instanceof MouseEvent && event.button === 2) { return; } // 点击位置坐标 var touchPosition = typeof TouchEvent !== 'undefined' && event instanceof TouchEvent && event.touches.length ? event.touches[0] : event; var touchStartX = touchPosition.pageX; var touchStartY = touchPosition.pageY; // 涟漪位置 var offset = $ripple.offset(); var height = $ripple.innerHeight(); var width = $ripple.innerWidth(); var center = { x: touchStartX - offset.left, y: touchStartY - offset.top, }; var diameter = Math.max(Math.pow(Math.pow(height, 2) + Math.pow(width, 2), 0.5), 48); // 涟漪扩散动画 var translate = "translate3d(" + (-center.x + width / 2) + "px," + (-center.y + height / 2) + "px, 0) scale(1)"; // 涟漪的 DOM 结构,并缓存动画效果 $("
") .data('_ripple_wave_translate', translate) .prependTo($ripple) .reflow() .transform(translate); } /** * 隐藏并移除涟漪 * @param $wave */ function removeRipple($wave) { if (!$wave.length || $wave.data('_ripple_wave_removed')) { return; } $wave.data('_ripple_wave_removed', true); var removeTimer = setTimeout(function () { return $wave.remove(); }, 400); var translate = $wave.data('_ripple_wave_translate'); $wave .addClass('mdui-ripple-wave-fill') .transform(translate.replace('scale(1)', 'scale(1.01)')) .transitionEnd(function () { clearTimeout(removeTimer); $wave .addClass('mdui-ripple-wave-out') .transform(translate.replace('scale(1)', 'scale(1.01)')); removeTimer = setTimeout(function () { return $wave.remove(); }, 700); setTimeout(function () { $wave.transitionEnd(function () { clearTimeout(removeTimer); $wave.remove(); }); }, 0); }); } /** * 隐藏涟漪动画 * @param this */ function hide() { var $ripple = $(this); $ripple.children('.mdui-ripple-wave').each(function (_, wave) { removeRipple($(wave)); }); $ripple.off((moveEvent + " " + endEvent + " " + cancelEvent), hide); } /** * 显示涟漪,并绑定 touchend 等事件 * @param event */ function showRipple(event) { if (!isAllow(event)) { return; } register(event); // Chrome 59 点击滚动条时,会在 document 上触发事件 if (event.target === document) { return; } var $target = $(event.target); // 获取含 .mdui-ripple 类的元素 var $ripple = $target.hasClass('mdui-ripple') ? $target : $target.parents('.mdui-ripple').first(); if (!$ripple.length) { return; } // 禁用状态的元素上不产生涟漪效果 if ($ripple.prop('disabled') || !isUndefined($ripple.attr('disabled'))) { return; } if (event.type === 'touchstart') { var hidden = false; // touchstart 触发指定时间后开始涟漪动画,避免手指滑动时也触发涟漪 var timer = setTimeout(function () { timer = 0; show(event, $ripple); }, 200); var hideRipple = function () { // 如果手指没有移动,且涟漪动画还没有开始,则开始涟漪动画 if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; show(event, $ripple); } if (!hidden) { hidden = true; hide.call($ripple); } }; // 手指移动后,移除涟漪动画 var touchMove = function () { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = 0; } hideRipple(); }; $ripple.on('touchmove', touchMove).on('touchend touchcancel', hideRipple); } else { show(event, $ripple); $ripple.on((moveEvent + " " + endEvent + " " + cancelEvent), hide); } } $(function () { $document.on(startEvent, showRipple).on(unlockEvent, register); }); var defaultData = { reInit: false, domLoadedEvent: false, }; /** * 输入框事件 * @param event * @param data */ function inputEvent(event, data) { if ( data === void 0 ) data = {}; data = extend({}, defaultData, data); var input = event.target; var $input = $(input); var eventType = event.type; var value = $input.val(); // 文本框类型 var inputType = $input.attr('type') || ''; if (['checkbox', 'button', 'submit', 'range', 'radio', 'image'].indexOf(inputType) > -1) { return; } var $textfield = $input.parent('.mdui-textfield'); // 输入框是否聚焦 if (eventType === 'focus') { $textfield.addClass('mdui-textfield-focus'); } if (eventType === 'blur') { $textfield.removeClass('mdui-textfield-focus'); } // 输入框是否为空 if (eventType === 'blur' || eventType === 'input') { value ? $textfield.addClass('mdui-textfield-not-empty') : $textfield.removeClass('mdui-textfield-not-empty'); } // 输入框是否禁用 input.disabled ? $textfield.addClass('mdui-textfield-disabled') : $textfield.removeClass('mdui-textfield-disabled'); // 表单验证 if ((eventType === 'input' || eventType === 'blur') && !data.domLoadedEvent && input.validity) { input.validity.valid ? $textfield.removeClass('mdui-textfield-invalid-html5') : $textfield.addClass('mdui-textfield-invalid-html5'); } // textarea 高度自动调整 if ($input.is('textarea')) { // IE bug:textarea 的值仅为多个换行,不含其他内容时,textarea 的高度不准确 // 此时,在计算高度前,在值的开头加入一个空格,计算完后,移除空格 var inputValue = value; var hasExtraSpace = false; if (inputValue.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '') === '') { $input.val(' ' + inputValue); hasExtraSpace = true; } // 设置 textarea 高度 $input.outerHeight(''); var height = $input.outerHeight(); var scrollHeight = input.scrollHeight; if (scrollHeight > height) { $input.outerHeight(scrollHeight); } // 计算完,还原 textarea 的值 if (hasExtraSpace) { $input.val(inputValue); } } // 实时字数统计 if (data.reInit) { $textfield.find('.mdui-textfield-counter').remove(); } var maxLength = $input.attr('maxlength'); if (maxLength) { if (data.reInit || data.domLoadedEvent) { $('
' + " / " + maxLength + '
').appendTo($textfield); } $textfield .find('.mdui-textfield-counter-inputed') .text(value.length.toString()); } // 含 帮助文本、错误提示、字数统计 时,增加文本框底部内边距 if ($textfield.find('.mdui-textfield-helper').length || $textfield.find('.mdui-textfield-error').length || maxLength) { $textfield.addClass('mdui-textfield-has-bottom'); } } $(function () { // 绑定事件 $document.on('input focus blur', '.mdui-textfield-input', { useCapture: true }, inputEvent); // 可展开文本框展开 $document.on('click', '.mdui-textfield-expandable .mdui-textfield-icon', function () { $(this) .parents('.mdui-textfield') .addClass('mdui-textfield-expanded') .find('.mdui-textfield-input')[0] .focus(); }); // 可展开文本框关闭 $document.on('click', '.mdui-textfield-expanded .mdui-textfield-close', function () { $(this) .parents('.mdui-textfield') .removeClass('mdui-textfield-expanded') .find('.mdui-textfield-input') .val(''); }); /** * 初始化文本框 */ mdui.mutation('.mdui-textfield', function () { $(this).find('.mdui-textfield-input').trigger('input', { domLoadedEvent: true, }); }); }); mdui.updateTextFields = function (selector) { var $elements = isUndefined(selector) ? $('.mdui-textfield') : $(selector); $elements.each(function (_, element) { $(element).find('.mdui-textfield-input').trigger('input', { reInit: true, }); }); }; /** * 滑块的值改变后修改滑块样式 * @param $slider */ function updateValueStyle($slider) { var data = $slider.data(); var $track = data._slider_$track; var $fill = data._slider_$fill; var $thumb = data._slider_$thumb; var $input = data._slider_$input; var min = data._slider_min; var max = data._slider_max; var isDisabled = data._slider_disabled; var isDiscrete = data._slider_discrete; var $thumbText = data._slider_$thumbText; var value = $input.val(); var percent = ((value - min) / (max - min)) * 100; $fill.width((percent + "%")); $track.width(((100 - percent) + "%")); if (isDisabled) { $fill.css('padding-right', '6px'); $track.css('padding-left', '6px'); } $thumb.css('left', (percent + "%")); if (isDiscrete) { $thumbText.text(value); } percent === 0 ? $slider.addClass('mdui-slider-zero') : $slider.removeClass('mdui-slider-zero'); } /** * 重新初始化滑块 * @param $slider */ function reInit($slider) { var $track = $('
'); var $fill = $('
'); var $thumb = $('
'); var $input = $slider.find('input[type="range"]'); var isDisabled = $input[0].disabled; var isDiscrete = $slider.hasClass('mdui-slider-discrete'); // 禁用状态 isDisabled ? $slider.addClass('mdui-slider-disabled') : $slider.removeClass('mdui-slider-disabled'); // 重新填充 HTML $slider.find('.mdui-slider-track').remove(); $slider.find('.mdui-slider-fill').remove(); $slider.find('.mdui-slider-thumb').remove(); $slider.append($track).append($fill).append($thumb); // 间续型滑块 var $thumbText = $(); if (isDiscrete) { $thumbText = $(''); $thumb.empty().append($thumbText); } $slider.data('_slider_$track', $track); $slider.data('_slider_$fill', $fill); $slider.data('_slider_$thumb', $thumb); $slider.data('_slider_$input', $input); $slider.data('_slider_min', $input.attr('min')); $slider.data('_slider_max', $input.attr('max')); $slider.data('_slider_disabled', isDisabled); $slider.data('_slider_discrete', isDiscrete); $slider.data('_slider_$thumbText', $thumbText); // 设置默认值 updateValueStyle($slider); } var rangeSelector = '.mdui-slider input[type="range"]'; $(function () { // 滑块滑动事件 $document.on('input change', rangeSelector, function () { var $slider = $(this).parent(); updateValueStyle($slider); }); // 开始触摸滑块事件 $document.on(startEvent, rangeSelector, function (event) { if (!isAllow(event)) { return; } register(event); if (this.disabled) { return; } var $slider = $(this).parent(); $slider.addClass('mdui-slider-focus'); }); // 结束触摸滑块事件 $document.on(endEvent, rangeSelector, function (event) { if (!isAllow(event)) { return; } if (this.disabled) { return; } var $slider = $(this).parent(); $slider.removeClass('mdui-slider-focus'); }); $document.on(unlockEvent, rangeSelector, register); /** * 初始化滑块 */ mdui.mutation('.mdui-slider', function () { reInit($(this)); }); }); mdui.updateSliders = function (selector) { var $elements = isUndefined(selector) ? $('.mdui-slider') : $(selector); $elements.each(function (_, element) { reInit($(element)); }); }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$2 = { trigger: 'hover', }; var Fab = function Fab(selector, options) { var this$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$2); /** * 当前 fab 的状态 */ this.state = 'closed'; this.$element = $(selector).first(); extend(this.options, options); this.$btn = this.$element.find('.mdui-fab'); this.$dial = this.$element.find('.mdui-fab-dial'); this.$dialBtns = this.$dial.find('.mdui-fab'); if (this.options.trigger === 'hover') { this.$btn.on('touchstart mouseenter', function () { return this$1.open(); }); this.$element.on('mouseleave', function () { return this$1.close(); }); } if (this.options.trigger === 'click') { this.$btn.on(startEvent, function () { return this$1.open(); }); } // 触摸屏幕其他地方关闭快速拨号 $document.on(startEvent, function (event) { if ($(event.target).parents('.mdui-fab-wrapper').length) { return; } this$1.close(); }); }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Fab.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'fab', this.$element, this); }; /** * 当前是否为打开状态 */ Fab.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen () { return this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened'; }; /** * 打开快速拨号菜单 */ Fab.prototype.open = function open () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { return; } // 为菜单中的按钮添加不同的 transition-delay this.$dialBtns.each(function (index, btn) { var delay = (15 * (this$1.$dialBtns.length - index)) + "ms"; btn.style.transitionDelay = delay; btn.style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay; }); this.$dial.css('height', 'auto').addClass('mdui-fab-dial-show'); // 如果按钮中存在 .mdui-fab-opened 的图标,则进行图标切换 if (this.$btn.find('.mdui-fab-opened').length) { this.$btn.addClass('mdui-fab-opened'); } this.state = 'opening'; this.triggerEvent('open'); // 打开顺序为从下到上逐个打开,最上面的打开后才表示动画完成 this.$dialBtns.first().transitionEnd(function () { if (this$1.$btn.hasClass('mdui-fab-opened')) { this$1.state = 'opened'; this$1.triggerEvent('opened'); } }); }; /** * 关闭快速拨号菜单 */ Fab.prototype.close = function close () { var this$1 = this; if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } // 为菜单中的按钮添加不同的 transition-delay this.$dialBtns.each(function (index, btn) { var delay = (15 * index) + "ms"; btn.style.transitionDelay = delay; btn.style.webkitTransitionDelay = delay; }); this.$dial.removeClass('mdui-fab-dial-show'); this.$btn.removeClass('mdui-fab-opened'); this.state = 'closing'; this.triggerEvent('close'); // 从上往下依次关闭,最后一个关闭后才表示动画完成 this.$dialBtns.last().transitionEnd(function () { if (this$1.$btn.hasClass('mdui-fab-opened')) { return; } this$1.state = 'closed'; this$1.triggerEvent('closed'); this$1.$dial.css('height', 0); }); }; /** * 切换快速拨号菜单的打开状态 */ Fab.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open(); }; /** * 以动画的形式显示整个浮动操作按钮 */ Fab.prototype.show = function show () { this.$element.removeClass('mdui-fab-hide'); }; /** * 以动画的形式隐藏整个浮动操作按钮 */ Fab.prototype.hide = function hide () { this.$element.addClass('mdui-fab-hide'); }; /** * 返回当前快速拨号菜单的打开状态。共包含四种状态:`opening`、`opened`、`closing`、`closed` */ Fab.prototype.getState = function getState () { return this.state; }; mdui.Fab = Fab; var customAttr$3 = 'mdui-fab'; $(function () { // mouseenter 不冒泡,无法进行事件委托,这里用 mouseover 代替。 // 不管是 click 、 mouseover 还是 touchstart ,都先初始化。 $document.on('touchstart mousedown mouseover', ("[" + customAttr$3 + "]"), function () { new mdui.Fab(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr$3)); }); }); /** * 最终生成的元素结构为: * *
// $element * State 1 // $selected *
// $menu *
State 1
// $items *
State 2
State 3
*/ var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$3 = { position: 'auto', gutter: 16, }; var Select = function Select(selector, options) { var this$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 生成的 `
` 元素的 JQ 对象 */ this.$element = $(); /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$3); /** * select 的 size 属性的值,根据该值设置 select 的高度 */ this.size = 0; /** * 占位元素,显示已选中菜单项的文本 */ this.$selected = $(); /** * 菜单项的外层元素的 JQ 对象 */ this.$menu = $(); /** * 菜单项数组的 JQ 对象 */ this.$items = $(); /** * 当前选中的菜单项的索引号 */ this.selectedIndex = 0; /** * 当前选中菜单项的文本 */ this.selectedText = ''; /** * 当前选中菜单项的值 */ this.selectedValue = ''; /** * 当前 select 的状态 */ this.state = 'closed'; this.$native = $(selector).first(); this.$native.hide(); extend(this.options, options); // 为当前 select 生成唯一 ID this.uniqueID = $.guid(); // 生成 select this.handleUpdate(); // 点击 select 外面区域关闭 $document.on('click touchstart', function (event) { var $target = $(event.target); if (this$1.isOpen() && !$target.is(this$1.$element) && !contains(this$1.$element[0], $target[0])) { this$1.close(); } }); }; /** * 调整菜单位置 */ Select.prototype.readjustMenu = function readjustMenu () { var windowHeight = $window.height(); // mdui-select 高度 var elementHeight = this.$element.height(); // 菜单项高度 var $itemFirst = this.$items.first(); var itemHeight = $itemFirst.height(); var itemMargin = parseInt($itemFirst.css('margin-top')); // 菜单高度 var menuWidth = this.$element.innerWidth() + 0.01; // 必须比真实宽度多一点,不然会出现省略号 var menuHeight = itemHeight * this.size + itemMargin * 2; // mdui-select 在窗口中的位置 var elementTop = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect().top; var transformOriginY; var menuMarginTop; if (this.options.position === 'bottom') { menuMarginTop = elementHeight; transformOriginY = '0px'; } else if (this.options.position === 'top') { menuMarginTop = -menuHeight - 1; transformOriginY = '100%'; } else { // 菜单高度不能超过窗口高度 var menuMaxHeight = windowHeight - this.options.gutter * 2; if (menuHeight > menuMaxHeight) { menuHeight = menuMaxHeight; } // 菜单的 margin-top menuMarginTop = -(itemMargin + this.selectedIndex * itemHeight + (itemHeight - elementHeight) / 2); var menuMaxMarginTop = -(itemMargin + (this.size - 1) * itemHeight + (itemHeight - elementHeight) / 2); if (menuMarginTop < menuMaxMarginTop) { menuMarginTop = menuMaxMarginTop; } // 菜单不能超出窗口 var menuTop = elementTop + menuMarginTop; if (menuTop < this.options.gutter) { // 不能超出窗口上方 menuMarginTop = -(elementTop - this.options.gutter); } else if (menuTop + menuHeight + this.options.gutter > windowHeight) { // 不能超出窗口下方 menuMarginTop = -(elementTop + menuHeight + this.options.gutter - windowHeight); } // transform 的 Y 轴坐标 transformOriginY = (this.selectedIndex * itemHeight + itemHeight / 2 + itemMargin) + "px"; } // 设置样式 this.$element.innerWidth(menuWidth); this.$menu .innerWidth(menuWidth) .height(menuHeight) .css({ 'margin-top': menuMarginTop + 'px', 'transform-origin': 'center ' + transformOriginY + ' 0', }); }; /** * select 是否为打开状态 */ Select.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen () { return this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened'; }; /** * 对原生 select 组件进行了修改后,需要调用该方法 */ Select.prototype.handleUpdate = function handleUpdate () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { this.close(); } this.selectedValue = this.$native.val(); var itemsData = []; this.$items = $(); // 生成 HTML this.$native.find('option').each(function (index, option) { var text = option.textContent || ''; var value = option.value; var disabled = option.disabled; var selected = this$1.selectedValue === value; itemsData.push({ value: value, text: text, disabled: disabled, selected: selected, index: index, }); if (selected) { this$1.selectedText = text; this$1.selectedIndex = index; } this$1.$items = this$1.$items.add('
" + text + "
"); }); this.$selected = $(("" + (this.selectedText) + "")); this.$element = $("
") .show() .append(this.$selected); this.$menu = $('
') .appendTo(this.$element) .append(this.$items); $(("#" + (this.uniqueID))).remove(); this.$native.after(this.$element); // 根据 select 的 size 属性设置高度 this.size = parseInt(this.$native.attr('size') || '0'); if (this.size <= 0) { this.size = this.$items.length; if (this.size > 8) { this.size = 8; } } // 点击选项时关闭下拉菜单 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; this.$items.on('click', function () { if (that.state === 'closing') { return; } var $item = $(this); var index = $item.index(); var data = itemsData[index]; if (data.disabled) { return; } that.$selected.text(data.text); that.$native.val(data.value); that.$items.removeAttr('selected'); $item.attr('selected', ''); that.selectedIndex = data.index; that.selectedValue = data.value; that.selectedText = data.text; that.$native.trigger('change'); that.close(); }); // 点击 $element 时打开下拉菜单 this.$element.on('click', function (event) { var $target = $(event.target); // 在菜单上点击时不打开 if ($target.is('.mdui-select-menu') || $target.is('.mdui-select-menu-item')) { return; } this$1.toggle(); }); }; /** * 动画结束的回调 */ Select.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd () { this.$element.removeClass('mdui-select-closing'); if (this.state === 'opening') { this.state = 'opened'; this.triggerEvent('opened'); this.$menu.css('overflow-y', 'auto'); } if (this.state === 'closing') { this.state = 'closed'; this.triggerEvent('closed'); // 恢复样式 this.$element.innerWidth(''); this.$menu.css({ 'margin-top': '', height: '', width: '', }); } }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Select.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'select', this.$native, this); }; /** * 切换下拉菜单的打开状态 */ Select.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open(); }; /** * 打开下拉菜单 */ Select.prototype.open = function open () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'opening'; this.triggerEvent('open'); this.readjustMenu(); this.$element.addClass('mdui-select-open'); this.$menu.transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 关闭下拉菜单 */ Select.prototype.close = function close () { var this$1 = this; if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'closing'; this.triggerEvent('close'); this.$menu.css('overflow-y', ''); this.$element .removeClass('mdui-select-open') .addClass('mdui-select-closing'); this.$menu.transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 获取当前菜单的状态。共包含四种状态:`opening`、`opened`、`closing`、`closed` */ Select.prototype.getState = function getState () { return this.state; }; mdui.Select = Select; var customAttr$4 = 'mdui-select'; $(function () { mdui.mutation(("[" + customAttr$4 + "]"), function () { new mdui.Select(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr$4)); }); }); $(function () { // 滚动时隐藏应用栏 mdui.mutation('.mdui-appbar-scroll-hide', function () { new mdui.Headroom(this); }); // 滚动时只隐藏应用栏中的工具栏 mdui.mutation('.mdui-appbar-scroll-toolbar-hide', function () { new mdui.Headroom(this, { pinnedClass: 'mdui-headroom-pinned-toolbar', unpinnedClass: 'mdui-headroom-unpinned-toolbar', }); }); }); var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$4 = { trigger: 'click', loop: false, }; var Tab = function Tab(selector, options) { var this$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$4); /** * 当前激活的 tab 的索引号。为 -1 时表示没有激活的选项卡,或不存在选项卡 */ this.activeIndex = -1; this.$element = $(selector).first(); extend(this.options, options); this.$tabs = this.$element.children('a'); this.$indicator = $('
').appendTo(this.$element); // 根据 url hash 获取默认激活的选项卡 var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash) { this.$tabs.each(function (index, tab) { if ($(tab).attr('href') === hash) { this$1.activeIndex = index; return false; } return true; }); } // 含 .mdui-tab-active 的元素默认激活 if (this.activeIndex === -1) { this.$tabs.each(function (index, tab) { if ($(tab).hasClass('mdui-tab-active')) { this$1.activeIndex = index; return false; } return true; }); } // 存在选项卡时,默认激活第一个选项卡 if (this.$tabs.length && this.activeIndex === -1) { this.activeIndex = 0; } // 设置激活状态选项卡 this.setActive(); // 监听窗口大小变化事件,调整指示器位置 $window.on('resize', $.throttle(function () { return this$1.setIndicatorPosition(); }, 100)); // 监听点击选项卡事件 this.$tabs.each(function (_, tab) { this$1.bindTabEvent(tab); }); }; /** * 指定选项卡是否已禁用 * @param $tab */ Tab.prototype.isDisabled = function isDisabled ($tab) { return $tab.attr('disabled') !== undefined; }; /** * 绑定在 Tab 上点击或悬浮的事件 * @param tab */ Tab.prototype.bindTabEvent = function bindTabEvent (tab) { var this$1 = this; var $tab = $(tab); // 点击或鼠标移入触发的事件 var clickEvent = function () { // 禁用状态的选项卡无法选中 if (this$1.isDisabled($tab)) { return false; } this$1.activeIndex = this$1.$tabs.index(tab); this$1.setActive(); }; // 无论 trigger 是 click 还是 hover,都会响应 click 事件 $tab.on('click', clickEvent); // trigger 为 hover 时,额外响应 mouseenter 事件 if (this.options.trigger === 'hover') { $tab.on('mouseenter', clickEvent); } // 阻止链接的默认点击动作 $tab.on('click', function () { if (($tab.attr('href') || '').indexOf('#') === 0) { return false; } }); }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name * @param $element * @param parameters */ Tab.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name, $element, parameters) { if ( parameters === void 0 ) parameters = {}; componentEvent(name, 'tab', $element, this, parameters); }; /** * 设置激活状态的选项卡 */ Tab.prototype.setActive = function setActive () { var this$1 = this; this.$tabs.each(function (index, tab) { var $tab = $(tab); var targetId = $tab.attr('href') || ''; // 设置选项卡激活状态 if (index === this$1.activeIndex && !this$1.isDisabled($tab)) { if (!$tab.hasClass('mdui-tab-active')) { this$1.triggerEvent('change', this$1.$element, { index: this$1.activeIndex, id: targetId.substr(1), }); this$1.triggerEvent('show', $tab); $tab.addClass('mdui-tab-active'); } $(targetId).show(); this$1.setIndicatorPosition(); } else { $tab.removeClass('mdui-tab-active'); $(targetId).hide(); } }); }; /** * 设置选项卡指示器的位置 */ Tab.prototype.setIndicatorPosition = function setIndicatorPosition () { // 选项卡数量为 0 时,不显示指示器 if (this.activeIndex === -1) { this.$indicator.css({ left: 0, width: 0, }); return; } var $activeTab = this.$tabs.eq(this.activeIndex); if (this.isDisabled($activeTab)) { return; } var activeTabOffset = $activeTab.offset(); this.$indicator.css({ left: ((activeTabOffset.left + this.$element[0].scrollLeft - this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect().left) + "px"), width: (($activeTab.innerWidth()) + "px"), }); }; /** * 切换到下一个选项卡 */ Tab.prototype.next = function next () { if (this.activeIndex === -1) { return; } if (this.$tabs.length > this.activeIndex + 1) { this.activeIndex++; } else if (this.options.loop) { this.activeIndex = 0; } this.setActive(); }; /** * 切换到上一个选项卡 */ Tab.prototype.prev = function prev () { if (this.activeIndex === -1) { return; } if (this.activeIndex > 0) { this.activeIndex--; } else if (this.options.loop) { this.activeIndex = this.$tabs.length - 1; } this.setActive(); }; /** * 显示指定索引号、或指定id的选项卡 * @param index 索引号、或id */ Tab.prototype.show = function show (index) { var this$1 = this; if (this.activeIndex === -1) { return; } if (isNumber(index)) { this.activeIndex = index; } else { this.$tabs.each(function (i, tab) { if (tab.id === index) { this$1.activeIndex = i; return false; } }); } this.setActive(); }; /** * 在父元素的宽度变化时,需要调用该方法重新调整指示器位置 * 在添加或删除选项卡时,需要调用该方法 */ Tab.prototype.handleUpdate = function handleUpdate () { var this$1 = this; var $oldTabs = this.$tabs; // 旧的 tabs JQ对象 var $newTabs = this.$element.children('a'); // 新的 tabs JQ对象 var oldTabsElement = $oldTabs.get(); // 旧的 tabs 元素数组 var newTabsElement = $newTabs.get(); // 新的 tabs 元素数组 if (!$newTabs.length) { this.activeIndex = -1; this.$tabs = $newTabs; this.setIndicatorPosition(); return; } // 重新遍历选项卡,找出新增的选项卡 $newTabs.each(function (index, tab) { // 有新增的选项卡 if (oldTabsElement.indexOf(tab) < 0) { this$1.bindTabEvent(tab); if (this$1.activeIndex === -1) { this$1.activeIndex = 0; } else if (index <= this$1.activeIndex) { this$1.activeIndex++; } } }); // 找出被移除的选项卡 $oldTabs.each(function (index, tab) { // 有被移除的选项卡 if (newTabsElement.indexOf(tab) < 0) { if (index < this$1.activeIndex) { this$1.activeIndex--; } else if (index === this$1.activeIndex) { this$1.activeIndex = 0; } } }); this.$tabs = $newTabs; this.setActive(); }; mdui.Tab = Tab; var customAttr$5 = 'mdui-tab'; $(function () { mdui.mutation(("[" + customAttr$5 + "]"), function () { new mdui.Tab(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr$5)); }); }); /** * 在桌面设备上默认显示抽屉栏,不显示遮罩层 * 在手机和平板设备上默认不显示抽屉栏,始终显示遮罩层,且覆盖导航栏 */ var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$5 = { overlay: false, swipe: false, }; var Drawer = function Drawer(selector, options) { var this$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$5); /** * 当前是否显示着遮罩层 */ this.overlay = false; this.$element = $(selector).first(); extend(this.options, options); this.position = this.$element.hasClass('mdui-drawer-right') ? 'right' : 'left'; if (this.$element.hasClass('mdui-drawer-close')) { this.state = 'closed'; } else if (this.$element.hasClass('mdui-drawer-open')) { this.state = 'opened'; } else if (this.isDesktop()) { this.state = 'opened'; } else { this.state = 'closed'; } // 浏览器窗口大小调整时 $window.on('resize', $.throttle(function () { if (this$1.isDesktop()) { // 由手机平板切换到桌面时 // 如果显示着遮罩,则隐藏遮罩 if (this$1.overlay && !this$1.options.overlay) { $.hideOverlay(); this$1.overlay = false; $.unlockScreen(); } // 没有强制关闭,则状态为打开状态 if (!this$1.$element.hasClass('mdui-drawer-close')) { this$1.state = 'opened'; } } else if (!this$1.overlay && this$1.state === 'opened') { // 由桌面切换到手机平板时。如果抽屉栏是打开着的且没有遮罩层,则关闭抽屉栏 if (this$1.$element.hasClass('mdui-drawer-open')) { $.showOverlay(); this$1.overlay = true; $.lockScreen(); $('.mdui-overlay').one('click', function () { return this$1.close(); }); } else { this$1.state = 'closed'; } } }, 100)); // 绑定关闭按钮事件 this.$element.find('[mdui-drawer-close]').each(function (_, close) { $(close).on('click', function () { return this$1.close(); }); }); this.swipeSupport(); }; /** * 是否是桌面设备 */ Drawer.prototype.isDesktop = function isDesktop () { return $window.width() >= 1024; }; /** * 滑动手势支持 */ Drawer.prototype.swipeSupport = function swipeSupport () { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; // 抽屉栏滑动手势控制 var openNavEventHandler; var touchStartX; var touchStartY; var swipeStartX; var swiping = null; var maybeSwiping = false; var $body = $('body'); // 手势触发的范围 var swipeAreaWidth = 24; function setPosition(translateX) { var rtlTranslateMultiplier = that.position === 'right' ? -1 : 1; var transformCSS = "translate(" + (-1 * rtlTranslateMultiplier * translateX) + "px, 0) !important;"; var transitionCSS = 'initial !important;'; that.$element.css('cssText', ("transform: " + transformCSS + "; transition: " + transitionCSS + ";")); } function cleanPosition() { that.$element[0].style.transform = ''; that.$element[0].style.webkitTransform = ''; that.$element[0].style.transition = ''; that.$element[0].style.webkitTransition = ''; } function getMaxTranslateX() { return that.$element.width() + 10; } function getTranslateX(currentX) { return Math.min(Math.max(swiping === 'closing' ? swipeStartX - currentX : getMaxTranslateX() + swipeStartX - currentX, 0), getMaxTranslateX()); } function onBodyTouchEnd(event) { if (swiping) { var touchX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; if (that.position === 'right') { touchX = $body.width() - touchX; } var translateRatio = getTranslateX(touchX) / getMaxTranslateX(); maybeSwiping = false; var swipingState = swiping; swiping = null; if (swipingState === 'opening') { if (translateRatio < 0.92) { cleanPosition(); that.open(); } else { cleanPosition(); } } else { if (translateRatio > 0.08) { cleanPosition(); that.close(); } else { cleanPosition(); } } $.unlockScreen(); } else { maybeSwiping = false; } $body.off({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define touchmove: onBodyTouchMove, touchend: onBodyTouchEnd, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define touchcancel: onBodyTouchMove, }); } function onBodyTouchMove(event) { var touchX = event.touches[0].pageX; if (that.position === 'right') { touchX = $body.width() - touchX; } var touchY = event.touches[0].pageY; if (swiping) { setPosition(getTranslateX(touchX)); } else if (maybeSwiping) { var dXAbs = Math.abs(touchX - touchStartX); var dYAbs = Math.abs(touchY - touchStartY); var threshold = 8; if (dXAbs > threshold && dYAbs <= threshold) { swipeStartX = touchX; swiping = that.state === 'opened' ? 'closing' : 'opening'; $.lockScreen(); setPosition(getTranslateX(touchX)); } else if (dXAbs <= threshold && dYAbs > threshold) { onBodyTouchEnd(); } } } function onBodyTouchStart(event) { touchStartX = event.touches[0].pageX; if (that.position === 'right') { touchStartX = $body.width() - touchStartX; } touchStartY = event.touches[0].pageY; if (that.state !== 'opened') { if (touchStartX > swipeAreaWidth || openNavEventHandler !== onBodyTouchStart) { return; } } maybeSwiping = true; $body.on({ touchmove: onBodyTouchMove, touchend: onBodyTouchEnd, touchcancel: onBodyTouchMove, }); } function enableSwipeHandling() { if (!openNavEventHandler) { $body.on('touchstart', onBodyTouchStart); openNavEventHandler = onBodyTouchStart; } } if (this.options.swipe) { enableSwipeHandling(); } }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Drawer.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'drawer', this.$element, this); }; /** * 动画结束回调 */ Drawer.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd () { if (this.$element.hasClass('mdui-drawer-open')) { this.state = 'opened'; this.triggerEvent('opened'); } else { this.state = 'closed'; this.triggerEvent('closed'); } }; /** * 是否处于打开状态 */ Drawer.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen () { return this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened'; }; /** * 打开抽屉栏 */ Drawer.prototype.open = function open () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'opening'; this.triggerEvent('open'); if (!this.options.overlay) { $('body').addClass(("mdui-drawer-body-" + (this.position))); } this.$element .removeClass('mdui-drawer-close') .addClass('mdui-drawer-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); if (!this.isDesktop() || this.options.overlay) { this.overlay = true; $.showOverlay().one('click', function () { return this$1.close(); }); $.lockScreen(); } }; /** * 关闭抽屉栏 */ Drawer.prototype.close = function close () { var this$1 = this; if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'closing'; this.triggerEvent('close'); if (!this.options.overlay) { $('body').removeClass(("mdui-drawer-body-" + (this.position))); } this.$element .addClass('mdui-drawer-close') .removeClass('mdui-drawer-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); if (this.overlay) { $.hideOverlay(); this.overlay = false; $.unlockScreen(); } }; /** * 切换抽屉栏打开/关闭状态 */ Drawer.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open(); }; /** * 返回当前抽屉栏的状态。共包含四种状态:`opening`、`opened`、`closing`、`closed` */ Drawer.prototype.getState = function getState () { return this.state; }; mdui.Drawer = Drawer; var customAttr$6 = 'mdui-drawer'; $(function () { mdui.mutation(("[" + customAttr$6 + "]"), function () { var $element = $(this); var options = parseOptions(this, customAttr$6); var selector = options.target; // @ts-ignore delete options.target; var $drawer = $(selector).first(); var instance = new mdui.Drawer($drawer, options); $element.on('click', function () { return instance.toggle(); }); }); }); var container = {}; function queue(name, func) { if (isUndefined(container[name])) { container[name] = []; } if (isUndefined(func)) { return container[name]; } container[name].push(func); } /** * 从队列中移除第一个函数,并执行该函数 * @param name 队列满 */ function dequeue(name) { if (isUndefined(container[name])) { return; } if (!container[name].length) { return; } var func = container[name].shift(); func(); } var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$6 = { history: true, overlay: true, modal: false, closeOnEsc: true, closeOnCancel: true, closeOnConfirm: true, destroyOnClosed: false, }; /** * 当前显示的对话框实例 */ var currentInst = null; /** * 队列名 */ var queueName = '_mdui_dialog'; /** * 窗口是否已锁定 */ var isLockScreen = false; /** * 遮罩层元素 */ var $overlay; var Dialog = function Dialog(selector, options) { var this$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$6); /** * 当前 dialog 的状态 */ this.state = 'closed'; /** * dialog 元素是否是动态添加的 */ this.append = false; this.$element = $(selector).first(); // 如果对话框元素没有在当前文档中,则需要添加 if (!contains(document.body, this.$element[0])) { this.append = true; $('body').append(this.$element); } extend(this.options, options); // 绑定取消按钮事件 this.$element.find('[mdui-dialog-cancel]').each(function (_, cancel) { $(cancel).on('click', function () { this$1.triggerEvent('cancel'); if (this$1.options.closeOnCancel) { this$1.close(); } }); }); // 绑定确认按钮事件 this.$element.find('[mdui-dialog-confirm]').each(function (_, confirm) { $(confirm).on('click', function () { this$1.triggerEvent('confirm'); if (this$1.options.closeOnConfirm) { this$1.close(); } }); }); // 绑定关闭按钮事件 this.$element.find('[mdui-dialog-close]').each(function (_, close) { $(close).on('click', function () { return this$1.close(); }); }); }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Dialog.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'dialog', this.$element, this); }; /** * 窗口宽度变化,或对话框内容变化时,调整对话框位置和对话框内的滚动条 */ Dialog.prototype.readjust = function readjust () { if (!currentInst) { return; } var $element = currentInst.$element; var $title = $element.children('.mdui-dialog-title'); var $content = $element.children('.mdui-dialog-content'); var $actions = $element.children('.mdui-dialog-actions'); // 调整 dialog 的 top 和 height 值 $element.height(''); $content.height(''); var elementHeight = $element.height(); $element.css({ top: ((($window.height() - elementHeight) / 2) + "px"), height: (elementHeight + "px"), }); // 调整 mdui-dialog-content 的高度 $content.innerHeight(elementHeight - ($title.innerHeight() || 0) - ($actions.innerHeight() || 0)); }; /** * hashchange 事件触发时关闭对话框 */ Dialog.prototype.hashchangeEvent = function hashchangeEvent () { if (window.location.hash.substring(1).indexOf('mdui-dialog') < 0) { currentInst.close(true); } }; /** * 点击遮罩层关闭对话框 * @param event */ Dialog.prototype.overlayClick = function overlayClick (event) { if ($(event.target).hasClass('mdui-overlay') && currentInst) { currentInst.close(); } }; /** * 动画结束回调 */ Dialog.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd () { if (this.$element.hasClass('mdui-dialog-open')) { this.state = 'opened'; this.triggerEvent('opened'); } else { this.state = 'closed'; this.triggerEvent('closed'); this.$element.hide(); // 所有对话框都关闭,且当前没有打开的对话框时,解锁屏幕 if (!queue(queueName).length && !currentInst && isLockScreen) { $.unlockScreen(); isLockScreen = false; } $window.off('resize', $.throttle(this.readjust, 100)); if (this.options.destroyOnClosed) { this.destroy(); } } }; /** * 打开指定对话框 */ Dialog.prototype.doOpen = function doOpen () { var this$1 = this; currentInst = this; if (!isLockScreen) { $.lockScreen(); isLockScreen = true; } this.$element.show(); this.readjust(); $window.on('resize', $.throttle(this.readjust, 100)); // 打开消息框 this.state = 'opening'; this.triggerEvent('open'); this.$element .addClass('mdui-dialog-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); // 不存在遮罩层元素时,添加遮罩层 if (!$overlay) { $overlay = $.showOverlay(5100); } // 点击遮罩层时是否关闭对话框 if (this.options.modal) { $overlay.off('click', this.overlayClick); } else { $overlay.on('click', this.overlayClick); } // 是否显示遮罩层,不显示时,把遮罩层背景透明 $overlay.css('opacity', this.options.overlay ? '' : 0); if (this.options.history) { // 如果 hash 中原来就有 mdui-dialog,先删除,避免后退历史纪录后仍然有 mdui-dialog 导致无法关闭 // 包括 mdui-dialog 和 &mdui-dialog 和 ?mdui-dialog var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); if (hash.indexOf('mdui-dialog') > -1) { hash = hash.replace(/[&?]?mdui-dialog/g, ''); } // 后退按钮关闭对话框 if (hash) { window.location.hash = "" + hash + (hash.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + "mdui-dialog"; } else { window.location.hash = 'mdui-dialog'; } $window.on('hashchange', this.hashchangeEvent); } }; /** * 当前对话框是否为打开状态 */ Dialog.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen () { return this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened'; }; /** * 打开对话框 */ Dialog.prototype.open = function open () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { return; } // 如果当前有正在打开或已经打开的对话框,或队列不为空,则先加入队列,等旧对话框开始关闭时再打开 if ((currentInst && (currentInst.state === 'opening' || currentInst.state === 'opened')) || queue(queueName).length) { queue(queueName, function () { return this$1.doOpen(); }); return; } this.doOpen(); }; /** * 关闭对话框 */ Dialog.prototype.close = function close (historyBack) { var this$1 = this; if ( historyBack === void 0 ) historyBack = false; // historyBack 是否需要后退历史纪录,默认为 `false`。该参数仅内部使用 // 为 `false` 时是通过 js 关闭,需要后退一个历史记录 // 为 `true` 时是通过后退按钮关闭,不需要后退历史记录 // setTimeout 的作用是: // 当同时关闭一个对话框,并打开另一个对话框时,使打开对话框的操作先执行,以使需要打开的对话框先加入队列 setTimeout(function () { if (!this$1.isOpen()) { return; } currentInst = null; this$1.state = 'closing'; this$1.triggerEvent('close'); // 所有对话框都关闭,且当前没有打开的对话框时,隐藏遮罩 if (!queue(queueName).length && $overlay) { $.hideOverlay(); $overlay = null; // 若仍存在遮罩,恢复遮罩的 z-index $('.mdui-overlay').css('z-index', 2000); } this$1.$element .removeClass('mdui-dialog-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); if (this$1.options.history && !queue(queueName).length) { if (!historyBack) { window.history.back(); } $window.off('hashchange', this$1.hashchangeEvent); } // 关闭旧对话框,打开新对话框。 // 加一点延迟,仅仅为了视觉效果更好。不加延时也不影响功能 setTimeout(function () { dequeue(queueName); }, 100); }); }; /** * 切换对话框打开/关闭状态 */ Dialog.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open(); }; /** * 获取对话框状态。共包含四种状态:`opening`、`opened`、`closing`、`closed` */ Dialog.prototype.getState = function getState () { return this.state; }; /** * 销毁对话框 */ Dialog.prototype.destroy = function destroy () { if (this.append) { this.$element.remove(); } if (!queue(queueName).length && !currentInst) { if ($overlay) { $.hideOverlay(); $overlay = null; } if (isLockScreen) { $.unlockScreen(); isLockScreen = false; } } }; /** * 对话框内容变化时,需要调用该方法来调整对话框位置和滚动条高度 */ Dialog.prototype.handleUpdate = function handleUpdate () { this.readjust(); }; // esc 按下时关闭对话框 $document.on('keydown', function (event) { if (currentInst && currentInst.options.closeOnEsc && currentInst.state === 'opened' && event.keyCode === 27) { currentInst.close(); } }); mdui.Dialog = Dialog; var customAttr$7 = 'mdui-dialog'; var dataName$1 = '_mdui_dialog'; $(function () { $document.on('click', ("[" + customAttr$7 + "]"), function () { var options = parseOptions(this, customAttr$7); var selector = options.target; // @ts-ignore delete options.target; var $dialog = $(selector).first(); var instance = $dialog.data(dataName$1); if (!instance) { instance = new mdui.Dialog($dialog, options); $dialog.data(dataName$1, instance); } instance.open(); }); }); var DEFAULT_BUTTON = { text: '', bold: false, close: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onClick: function () { }, }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$7 = { title: '', content: '', buttons: [], stackedButtons: false, cssClass: '', history: true, overlay: true, modal: false, closeOnEsc: true, destroyOnClosed: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onOpen: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onOpened: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onClose: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onClosed: function () { }, }; mdui.dialog = function (options) { var _a, _b; // 合并配置参数 options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$7, options); each(options.buttons, function (i, button) { options.buttons[i] = extend({}, DEFAULT_BUTTON, button); }); // 按钮的 HTML var buttonsHTML = ''; if ((_a = options.buttons) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) { buttonsHTML = "
"; each(options.buttons, function (_, button) { buttonsHTML += '" + (button.text) + ""; }); buttonsHTML += '
'; } // Dialog 的 HTML var HTML = "
" + (options.title ? ("
" + (options.title) + "
") : '') + (options.content ? ("
" + (options.content) + "
") : '') + buttonsHTML + '
'; // 实例化 Dialog var instance = new mdui.Dialog(HTML, { history: options.history, overlay: options.overlay, modal: options.modal, closeOnEsc: options.closeOnEsc, destroyOnClosed: options.destroyOnClosed, }); // 绑定按钮事件 if ((_b = options.buttons) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) { instance.$element .find('.mdui-dialog-actions .mdui-btn') .each(function (index, button) { $(button).on('click', function () { options.buttons[index].onClick(instance); if (options.buttons[index].close) { instance.close(); } }); }); } // 绑定打开关闭事件 instance.$element .on('open.mdui.dialog', function () { options.onOpen(instance); }) .on('opened.mdui.dialog', function () { options.onOpened(instance); }) .on('close.mdui.dialog', function () { options.onClose(instance); }) .on('closed.mdui.dialog', function () { options.onClosed(instance); }); instance.open(); return instance; }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$8 = { confirmText: 'ok', history: true, modal: false, closeOnEsc: true, closeOnConfirm: true, }; mdui.alert = function (text, title, onConfirm, options) { if (isFunction(title)) { options = onConfirm; onConfirm = title; title = ''; } if (isUndefined(onConfirm)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onConfirm = function () { }; } if (isUndefined(options)) { options = {}; } options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$8, options); return mdui.dialog({ title: title, content: text, buttons: [ { text: options.confirmText, bold: false, close: options.closeOnConfirm, onClick: onConfirm, } ], cssClass: 'mdui-dialog-alert', history: options.history, modal: options.modal, closeOnEsc: options.closeOnEsc, }); }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$9 = { confirmText: 'ok', cancelText: 'cancel', history: true, modal: false, closeOnEsc: true, closeOnCancel: true, closeOnConfirm: true, }; mdui.confirm = function (text, title, onConfirm, onCancel, options) { if (isFunction(title)) { options = onCancel; onCancel = onConfirm; onConfirm = title; title = ''; } if (isUndefined(onConfirm)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onConfirm = function () { }; } if (isUndefined(onCancel)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onCancel = function () { }; } if (isUndefined(options)) { options = {}; } options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$9, options); return mdui.dialog({ title: title, content: text, buttons: [ { text: options.cancelText, bold: false, close: options.closeOnCancel, onClick: onCancel, }, { text: options.confirmText, bold: false, close: options.closeOnConfirm, onClick: onConfirm, } ], cssClass: 'mdui-dialog-confirm', history: options.history, modal: options.modal, closeOnEsc: options.closeOnEsc, }); }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$a = { confirmText: 'ok', cancelText: 'cancel', history: true, modal: false, closeOnEsc: true, closeOnCancel: true, closeOnConfirm: true, type: 'text', maxlength: 0, defaultValue: '', confirmOnEnter: false, }; mdui.prompt = function (label, title, onConfirm, onCancel, options) { if (isFunction(title)) { options = onCancel; onCancel = onConfirm; onConfirm = title; title = ''; } if (isUndefined(onConfirm)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onConfirm = function () { }; } if (isUndefined(onCancel)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onCancel = function () { }; } if (isUndefined(options)) { options = {}; } options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$a, options); var content = '
' + (label ? ("") : '') + (options.type === 'text' ? ("") : '') + (options.type === 'textarea' ? ("") : '') + '
'; var onCancelClick = function (dialog) { var value = dialog.$element.find('.mdui-textfield-input').val(); onCancel(value, dialog); }; var onConfirmClick = function (dialog) { var value = dialog.$element.find('.mdui-textfield-input').val(); onConfirm(value, dialog); }; return mdui.dialog({ title: title, content: content, buttons: [ { text: options.cancelText, bold: false, close: options.closeOnCancel, onClick: onCancelClick, }, { text: options.confirmText, bold: false, close: options.closeOnConfirm, onClick: onConfirmClick, } ], cssClass: 'mdui-dialog-prompt', history: options.history, modal: options.modal, closeOnEsc: options.closeOnEsc, onOpen: function (dialog) { // 初始化输入框 var $input = dialog.$element.find('.mdui-textfield-input'); mdui.updateTextFields($input); // 聚焦到输入框 $input[0].focus(); // 捕捉文本框回车键,在单行文本框的情况下触发回调 if (options.type !== 'textarea' && options.confirmOnEnter === true) { $input.on('keydown', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { var value = dialog.$element.find('.mdui-textfield-input').val(); onConfirm(value, dialog); if (options.closeOnConfirm) { dialog.close(); } return false; } return; }); } // 如果是多行输入框,监听输入框的 input 事件,更新对话框高度 if (options.type === 'textarea') { $input.on('input', function () { return dialog.handleUpdate(); }); } // 有字符数限制时,加载完文本框后 DOM 会变化,需要更新对话框高度 if (options.maxlength) { dialog.handleUpdate(); } }, }); }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$b = { position: 'auto', delay: 0, content: '', }; var Tooltip = function Tooltip(selector, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$b); /** * 当前 tooltip 的状态 */ this.state = 'closed'; /** * setTimeout 的返回值 */ this.timeoutId = null; this.$target = $(selector).first(); extend(this.options, options); // 创建 Tooltip HTML this.$element = $(("
" + (this.options.content) + "
")).appendTo(document.body); // 绑定事件。元素处于 disabled 状态时无法触发鼠标事件,为了统一,把 touch 事件也禁用 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; this.$target .on('touchstart mouseenter', function (event) { if (that.isDisabled(this)) { return; } if (!isAllow(event)) { return; } register(event); that.open(); }) .on('touchend mouseleave', function (event) { if (that.isDisabled(this)) { return; } if (!isAllow(event)) { return; } that.close(); }) .on(unlockEvent, function (event) { if (that.isDisabled(this)) { return; } register(event); }); }; /** * 元素是否已禁用 * @param element */ Tooltip.prototype.isDisabled = function isDisabled (element) { return (element.disabled || $(element).attr('disabled') !== undefined); }; /** * 是否是桌面设备 */ Tooltip.prototype.isDesktop = function isDesktop () { return $window.width() > 1024; }; /** * 设置 Tooltip 的位置 */ Tooltip.prototype.setPosition = function setPosition () { var marginLeft; var marginTop; // 触发的元素 var targetProps = this.$target[0].getBoundingClientRect(); // 触发的元素和 Tooltip 之间的距离 var targetMargin = this.isDesktop() ? 14 : 24; // Tooltip 的宽度和高度 var tooltipWidth = this.$element[0].offsetWidth; var tooltipHeight = this.$element[0].offsetHeight; // Tooltip 的方向 var position = this.options.position; // 自动判断位置,加 2px,使 Tooltip 距离窗口边框至少有 2px 的间距 if (position === 'auto') { if (targetProps.top + targetProps.height + targetMargin + tooltipHeight + 2 < $window.height()) { position = 'bottom'; } else if (targetMargin + tooltipHeight + 2 < targetProps.top) { position = 'top'; } else if (targetMargin + tooltipWidth + 2 < targetProps.left) { position = 'left'; } else if (targetProps.width + targetMargin + tooltipWidth + 2 < $window.width() - targetProps.left) { position = 'right'; } else { position = 'bottom'; } } // 设置位置 switch (position) { case 'bottom': marginLeft = -1 * (tooltipWidth / 2); marginTop = targetProps.height / 2 + targetMargin; this.$element.transformOrigin('top center'); break; case 'top': marginLeft = -1 * (tooltipWidth / 2); marginTop = -1 * (tooltipHeight + targetProps.height / 2 + targetMargin); this.$element.transformOrigin('bottom center'); break; case 'left': marginLeft = -1 * (tooltipWidth + targetProps.width / 2 + targetMargin); marginTop = -1 * (tooltipHeight / 2); this.$element.transformOrigin('center right'); break; case 'right': marginLeft = targetProps.width / 2 + targetMargin; marginTop = -1 * (tooltipHeight / 2); this.$element.transformOrigin('center left'); break; } var targetOffset = this.$target.offset(); this.$element.css({ top: ((targetOffset.top + targetProps.height / 2) + "px"), left: ((targetOffset.left + targetProps.width / 2) + "px"), 'margin-left': (marginLeft + "px"), 'margin-top': (marginTop + "px"), }); }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Tooltip.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'tooltip', this.$target, this); }; /** * 动画结束回调 */ Tooltip.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd () { if (this.$element.hasClass('mdui-tooltip-open')) { this.state = 'opened'; this.triggerEvent('opened'); } else { this.state = 'closed'; this.triggerEvent('closed'); } }; /** * 当前 tooltip 是否为打开状态 */ Tooltip.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen () { return this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened'; }; /** * 执行打开 tooltip */ Tooltip.prototype.doOpen = function doOpen () { var this$1 = this; this.state = 'opening'; this.triggerEvent('open'); this.$element .addClass('mdui-tooltip-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 打开 Tooltip * @param options 允许每次打开时设置不同的参数 */ Tooltip.prototype.open = function open (options) { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { return; } var oldOptions = extend({}, this.options); if (options) { extend(this.options, options); } // tooltip 的内容有更新 if (oldOptions.content !== this.options.content) { this.$element.html(this.options.content); } this.setPosition(); if (this.options.delay) { this.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { return this$1.doOpen(); }, this.options.delay); } else { this.timeoutId = null; this.doOpen(); } }; /** * 关闭 Tooltip */ Tooltip.prototype.close = function close () { var this$1 = this; if (this.timeoutId) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.timeoutId = null; } if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'closing'; this.triggerEvent('close'); this.$element .removeClass('mdui-tooltip-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 切换 Tooltip 的打开状态 */ Tooltip.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open(); }; /** * 获取 Tooltip 状态。共包含四种状态:`opening`、`opened`、`closing`、`closed` */ Tooltip.prototype.getState = function getState () { return this.state; }; mdui.Tooltip = Tooltip; var customAttr$8 = 'mdui-tooltip'; var dataName$2 = '_mdui_tooltip'; $(function () { // mouseenter 不能冒泡,所以这里用 mouseover 代替 $document.on('touchstart mouseover', ("[" + customAttr$8 + "]"), function () { var $target = $(this); var instance = $target.data(dataName$2); if (!instance) { instance = new mdui.Tooltip(this, parseOptions(this, customAttr$8)); $target.data(dataName$2, instance); } }); }); var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$c = { message: '', timeout: 4000, position: 'bottom', buttonText: '', buttonColor: '', closeOnButtonClick: true, closeOnOutsideClick: true, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onClick: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onButtonClick: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onOpen: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onOpened: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onClose: function () { }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onClosed: function () { }, }; /** * 当前打开着的 Snackbar */ var currentInst$1 = null; /** * 队列名 */ var queueName$1 = '_mdui_snackbar'; var Snackbar = function Snackbar(options) { /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$c); /** * 当前 Snackbar 的状态 */ this.state = 'closed'; /** * setTimeout 的 ID */ this.timeoutId = null; extend(this.options, options); // 按钮颜色 var buttonColorStyle = ''; var buttonColorClass = ''; if (this.options.buttonColor.indexOf('#') === 0 || this.options.buttonColor.indexOf('rgb') === 0) { buttonColorStyle = "style=\"color:" + (this.options.buttonColor) + "\""; } else if (this.options.buttonColor !== '') { buttonColorClass = "mdui-text-color-" + (this.options.buttonColor); } // 添加 HTML this.$element = $('
' + "
" + (this.options.message) + "
" + (this.options.buttonText ? ("" + (this.options.buttonText) + "") : '') + '
').appendTo(document.body); // 设置位置 this.setPosition('close'); this.$element.reflow().addClass(("mdui-snackbar-" + (this.options.position))); }; /** * 点击 Snackbar 外面的区域关闭 * @param event */ Snackbar.prototype.closeOnOutsideClick = function closeOnOutsideClick (event) { var $target = $(event.target); if (!$target.hasClass('mdui-snackbar') && !$target.parents('.mdui-snackbar').length) { currentInst$1.close(); } }; /** * 设置 Snackbar 的位置 * @param state */ Snackbar.prototype.setPosition = function setPosition (state) { var snackbarHeight = this.$element[0].clientHeight; var position = this.options.position; var translateX; var translateY; // translateX if (position === 'bottom' || position === 'top') { translateX = '-50%'; } else { translateX = '0'; } // translateY if (state === 'open') { translateY = '0'; } else { if (position === 'bottom') { translateY = snackbarHeight; } if (position === 'top') { translateY = -snackbarHeight; } if (position === 'left-top' || position === 'right-top') { translateY = -snackbarHeight - 24; } if (position === 'left-bottom' || position === 'right-bottom') { translateY = snackbarHeight + 24; } } this.$element.transform(("translate(" + translateX + "," + translateY + "px")); }; /** * 打开 Snackbar */ Snackbar.prototype.open = function open () { var this$1 = this; if (this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened') { return; } // 如果当前有正在显示的 Snackbar,则先加入队列,等旧 Snackbar 关闭后再打开 if (currentInst$1) { queue(queueName$1, function () { return this$1.open(); }); return; } currentInst$1 = this; // 开始打开 this.state = 'opening'; this.options.onOpen(this); this.setPosition('open'); this.$element.transitionEnd(function () { if (this$1.state !== 'opening') { return; } this$1.state = 'opened'; this$1.options.onOpened(this$1); // 有按钮时绑定事件 if (this$1.options.buttonText) { this$1.$element.find('.mdui-snackbar-action').on('click', function () { this$1.options.onButtonClick(this$1); if (this$1.options.closeOnButtonClick) { this$1.close(); } }); } // 点击 snackbar 的事件 this$1.$element.on('click', function (event) { if (!$(event.target).hasClass('mdui-snackbar-action')) { this$1.options.onClick(this$1); } }); // 点击 Snackbar 外面的区域关闭 if (this$1.options.closeOnOutsideClick) { $document.on(startEvent, this$1.closeOnOutsideClick); } // 超时后自动关闭 if (this$1.options.timeout) { this$1.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { return this$1.close(); }, this$1.options.timeout); } }); }; /** * 关闭 Snackbar */ Snackbar.prototype.close = function close () { var this$1 = this; if (this.state === 'closing' || this.state === 'closed') { return; } if (this.timeoutId) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); } if (this.options.closeOnOutsideClick) { $document.off(startEvent, this.closeOnOutsideClick); } this.state = 'closing'; this.options.onClose(this); this.setPosition('close'); this.$element.transitionEnd(function () { if (this$1.state !== 'closing') { return; } currentInst$1 = null; this$1.state = 'closed'; this$1.options.onClosed(this$1); this$1.$element.remove(); dequeue(queueName$1); }); }; mdui.snackbar = function (message, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; if (isString(message)) { options.message = message; } else { options = message; } var instance = new Snackbar(options); instance.open(); return instance; }; $(function () { // 切换导航项 $document.on('click', '.mdui-bottom-nav>a', function () { var $item = $(this); var $bottomNav = $item.parent(); $bottomNav.children('a').each(function (index, item) { var isThis = $item.is(item); if (isThis) { componentEvent('change', 'bottomNav', $bottomNav[0], undefined, { index: index, }); } isThis ? $(item).addClass('mdui-bottom-nav-active') : $(item).removeClass('mdui-bottom-nav-active'); }); }); // 滚动时隐藏 mdui-bottom-nav-scroll-hide mdui.mutation('.mdui-bottom-nav-scroll-hide', function () { new mdui.Headroom(this, { pinnedClass: 'mdui-headroom-pinned-down', unpinnedClass: 'mdui-headroom-unpinned-down', }); }); }); /** * layer 的 HTML 结构 * @param index */ function layerHTML(index) { if ( index === void 0 ) index = false; return ("
" + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'); } /** * 填充 HTML * @param spinner */ function fillHTML(spinner) { var $spinner = $(spinner); var layer = $spinner.hasClass('mdui-spinner-colorful') ? layerHTML(1) + layerHTML(2) + layerHTML(3) + layerHTML(4) : layerHTML(); $spinner.html(layer); } $(function () { // 页面加载完后自动填充 HTML 结构 mdui.mutation('.mdui-spinner', function () { fillHTML(this); }); }); mdui.updateSpinners = function (selector) { var $elements = isUndefined(selector) ? $('.mdui-spinner') : $(selector); $elements.each(function () { fillHTML(this); }); }; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS$d = { position: 'auto', align: 'auto', gutter: 16, fixed: false, covered: 'auto', subMenuTrigger: 'hover', subMenuDelay: 200, }; var Menu = function Menu(anchorSelector, menuSelector, options) { var this$1 = this; if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; /** * 配置参数 */ this.options = extend({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS$d); /** * 当前菜单状态 */ this.state = 'closed'; this.$anchor = $(anchorSelector).first(); this.$element = $(menuSelector).first(); // 触发菜单的元素 和 菜单必须是同级的元素,否则菜单可能不能定位 if (!this.$anchor.parent().is(this.$element.parent())) { throw new Error('anchorSelector and menuSelector must be siblings'); } extend(this.options, options); // 是否是级联菜单 this.isCascade = this.$element.hasClass('mdui-menu-cascade'); // covered 参数处理 this.isCovered = this.options.covered === 'auto' ? !this.isCascade : this.options.covered; // 点击触发菜单切换 this.$anchor.on('click', function () { return this$1.toggle(); }); // 点击菜单外面区域关闭菜单 $document.on('click touchstart', function (event) { var $target = $(event.target); if (this$1.isOpen() && !$target.is(this$1.$element) && !contains(this$1.$element[0], $target[0]) && !$target.is(this$1.$anchor) && !contains(this$1.$anchor[0], $target[0])) { this$1.close(); } }); // 点击不含子菜单的菜单条目关闭菜单 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; $document.on('click', '.mdui-menu-item', function () { var $item = $(this); if (!$item.find('.mdui-menu').length && $item.attr('disabled') === undefined) { that.close(); } }); // 绑定点击或鼠标移入含子菜单的条目的事件 this.bindSubMenuEvent(); // 窗口大小变化时,重新调整菜单位置 $window.on('resize', $.throttle(function () { return this$1.readjust(); }, 100)); }; /** * 是否为打开状态 */ Menu.prototype.isOpen = function isOpen () { return this.state === 'opening' || this.state === 'opened'; }; /** * 触发组件事件 * @param name */ Menu.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent (name) { componentEvent(name, 'menu', this.$element, this); }; /** * 调整主菜单位置 */ Menu.prototype.readjust = function readjust () { var menuLeft; var menuTop; // 菜单位置和方向 var position; var align; // window 窗口的宽度和高度 var windowHeight = $window.height(); var windowWidth = $window.width(); // 配置参数 var gutter = this.options.gutter; var isCovered = this.isCovered; var isFixed = this.options.fixed; // 动画方向参数 var transformOriginX; var transformOriginY; // 菜单的原始宽度和高度 var menuWidth = this.$element.width(); var menuHeight = this.$element.height(); // 触发菜单的元素在窗口中的位置 var anchorRect = this.$anchor[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var anchorTop = anchorRect.top; var anchorLeft = anchorRect.left; var anchorHeight = anchorRect.height; var anchorWidth = anchorRect.width; var anchorBottom = windowHeight - anchorTop - anchorHeight; var anchorRight = windowWidth - anchorLeft - anchorWidth; // 触发元素相对其拥有定位属性的父元素的位置 var anchorOffsetTop = this.$anchor[0].offsetTop; var anchorOffsetLeft = this.$anchor[0].offsetLeft; // 自动判断菜单位置 if (this.options.position === 'auto') { if (anchorBottom + (isCovered ? anchorHeight : 0) > menuHeight + gutter) { // 判断下方是否放得下菜单 position = 'bottom'; } else if (anchorTop + (isCovered ? anchorHeight : 0) > menuHeight + gutter) { // 判断上方是否放得下菜单 position = 'top'; } else { // 上下都放不下,居中显示 position = 'center'; } } else { position = this.options.position; } // 自动判断菜单对齐方式 if (this.options.align === 'auto') { if (anchorRight + anchorWidth > menuWidth + gutter) { // 判断右侧是否放得下菜单 align = 'left'; } else if (anchorLeft + anchorWidth > menuWidth + gutter) { // 判断左侧是否放得下菜单 align = 'right'; } else { // 左右都放不下,居中显示 align = 'center'; } } else { align = this.options.align; } // 设置菜单位置 if (position === 'bottom') { transformOriginY = '0'; menuTop = (isCovered ? 0 : anchorHeight) + (isFixed ? anchorTop : anchorOffsetTop); } else if (position === 'top') { transformOriginY = '100%'; menuTop = (isCovered ? anchorHeight : 0) + (isFixed ? anchorTop - menuHeight : anchorOffsetTop - menuHeight); } else { transformOriginY = '50%'; // =====================在窗口中居中 // 显示的菜单的高度,简单菜单高度不超过窗口高度,若超过了则在菜单内部显示滚动条 // 级联菜单内部不允许出现滚动条 var menuHeightTemp = menuHeight; // 简单菜单比窗口高时,限制菜单高度 if (!this.isCascade) { if (menuHeight + gutter * 2 > windowHeight) { menuHeightTemp = windowHeight - gutter * 2; this.$element.height(menuHeightTemp); } } menuTop = (windowHeight - menuHeightTemp) / 2 + (isFixed ? 0 : anchorOffsetTop - anchorTop); } this.$element.css('top', (menuTop + "px")); // 设置菜单对齐方式 if (align === 'left') { transformOriginX = '0'; menuLeft = isFixed ? anchorLeft : anchorOffsetLeft; } else if (align === 'right') { transformOriginX = '100%'; menuLeft = isFixed ? anchorLeft + anchorWidth - menuWidth : anchorOffsetLeft + anchorWidth - menuWidth; } else { transformOriginX = '50%'; //=======================在窗口中居中 // 显示的菜单的宽度,菜单宽度不能超过窗口宽度 var menuWidthTemp = menuWidth; // 菜单比窗口宽,限制菜单宽度 if (menuWidth + gutter * 2 > windowWidth) { menuWidthTemp = windowWidth - gutter * 2; this.$element.width(menuWidthTemp); } menuLeft = (windowWidth - menuWidthTemp) / 2 + (isFixed ? 0 : anchorOffsetLeft - anchorLeft); } this.$element.css('left', (menuLeft + "px")); // 设置菜单动画方向 this.$element.transformOrigin((transformOriginX + " " + transformOriginY)); }; /** * 调整子菜单的位置 * @param $submenu */ Menu.prototype.readjustSubmenu = function readjustSubmenu ($submenu) { var $item = $submenu.parent('.mdui-menu-item'); var submenuTop; var submenuLeft; // 子菜单位置和方向 var position; var align; // window 窗口的宽度和高度 var windowHeight = $window.height(); var windowWidth = $window.width(); // 动画方向参数 var transformOriginX; var transformOriginY; // 子菜单的原始宽度和高度 var submenuWidth = $submenu.width(); var submenuHeight = $submenu.height(); // 触发子菜单的菜单项的宽度高度 var itemRect = $item[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var itemWidth = itemRect.width; var itemHeight = itemRect.height; var itemLeft = itemRect.left; var itemTop = itemRect.top; // 判断菜单上下位置 if (windowHeight - itemTop > submenuHeight) { // 判断下方是否放得下菜单 position = 'bottom'; } else if (itemTop + itemHeight > submenuHeight) { // 判断上方是否放得下菜单 position = 'top'; } else { // 默认放在下方 position = 'bottom'; } // 判断菜单左右位置 if (windowWidth - itemLeft - itemWidth > submenuWidth) { // 判断右侧是否放得下菜单 align = 'left'; } else if (itemLeft > submenuWidth) { // 判断左侧是否放得下菜单 align = 'right'; } else { // 默认放在右侧 align = 'left'; } // 设置菜单位置 if (position === 'bottom') { transformOriginY = '0'; submenuTop = '0'; } else if (position === 'top') { transformOriginY = '100%'; submenuTop = -submenuHeight + itemHeight; } $submenu.css('top', (submenuTop + "px")); // 设置菜单对齐方式 if (align === 'left') { transformOriginX = '0'; submenuLeft = itemWidth; } else if (align === 'right') { transformOriginX = '100%'; submenuLeft = -submenuWidth; } $submenu.css('left', (submenuLeft + "px")); // 设置菜单动画方向 $submenu.transformOrigin((transformOriginX + " " + transformOriginY)); }; /** * 打开子菜单 * @param $submenu */ Menu.prototype.openSubMenu = function openSubMenu ($submenu) { this.readjustSubmenu($submenu); $submenu .addClass('mdui-menu-open') .parent('.mdui-menu-item') .addClass('mdui-menu-item-active'); }; /** * 关闭子菜单,及其嵌套的子菜单 * @param $submenu */ Menu.prototype.closeSubMenu = function closeSubMenu ($submenu) { // 关闭子菜单 $submenu .removeClass('mdui-menu-open') .addClass('mdui-menu-closing') .transitionEnd(function () { return $submenu.removeClass('mdui-menu-closing'); }) // 移除激活状态的样式 .parent('.mdui-menu-item') .removeClass('mdui-menu-item-active'); // 循环关闭嵌套的子菜单 $submenu.find('.mdui-menu').each(function (_, menu) { var $subSubmenu = $(menu); $subSubmenu .removeClass('mdui-menu-open') .addClass('mdui-menu-closing') .transitionEnd(function () { return $subSubmenu.removeClass('mdui-menu-closing'); }) .parent('.mdui-menu-item') .removeClass('mdui-menu-item-active'); }); }; /** * 切换子菜单状态 * @param $submenu */ Menu.prototype.toggleSubMenu = function toggleSubMenu ($submenu) { $submenu.hasClass('mdui-menu-open') ? this.closeSubMenu($submenu) : this.openSubMenu($submenu); }; /** * 绑定子菜单事件 */ Menu.prototype.bindSubMenuEvent = function bindSubMenuEvent () { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias var that = this; // 点击打开子菜单 this.$element.on('click', '.mdui-menu-item', function (event) { var $item = $(this); var $target = $(event.target); // 禁用状态菜单不操作 if ($item.attr('disabled') !== undefined) { return; } // 没有点击在子菜单的菜单项上时,不操作(点在了子菜单的空白区域、或分隔线上) if ($target.is('.mdui-menu') || $target.is('.mdui-divider')) { return; } // 阻止冒泡,点击菜单项时只在最后一级的 mdui-menu-item 上生效,不向上冒泡 if (!$target.parents('.mdui-menu-item').first().is($item)) { return; } // 当前菜单的子菜单 var $submenu = $item.children('.mdui-menu'); // 先关闭除当前子菜单外的所有同级子菜单 $item .parent('.mdui-menu') .children('.mdui-menu-item') .each(function (_, item) { var $tmpSubmenu = $(item).children('.mdui-menu'); if ($tmpSubmenu.length && (!$submenu.length || !$tmpSubmenu.is($submenu))) { that.closeSubMenu($tmpSubmenu); } }); // 切换当前子菜单 if ($submenu.length) { that.toggleSubMenu($submenu); } }); if (this.options.subMenuTrigger === 'hover') { // 临时存储 setTimeout 对象 var timeout = null; var timeoutOpen = null; this.$element.on('mouseover mouseout', '.mdui-menu-item', function (event) { var $item = $(this); var eventType = event.type; var $relatedTarget = $(event.relatedTarget); // 禁用状态的菜单不操作 if ($item.attr('disabled') !== undefined) { return; } // 用 mouseover 模拟 mouseenter if (eventType === 'mouseover') { if (!$item.is($relatedTarget) && contains($item[0], $relatedTarget[0])) { return; } } // 用 mouseout 模拟 mouseleave else if (eventType === 'mouseout') { if ($item.is($relatedTarget) || contains($item[0], $relatedTarget[0])) { return; } } // 当前菜单项下的子菜单,未必存在 var $submenu = $item.children('.mdui-menu'); // 鼠标移入菜单项时,显示菜单项下的子菜单 if (eventType === 'mouseover') { if ($submenu.length) { // 当前子菜单准备打开时,如果当前子菜单正准备着关闭,不用再关闭了 var tmpClose = $submenu.data('timeoutClose.mdui.menu'); if (tmpClose) { clearTimeout(tmpClose); } // 如果当前子菜单已经打开,不操作 if ($submenu.hasClass('mdui-menu-open')) { return; } // 当前子菜单准备打开时,其他准备打开的子菜单不用再打开了 clearTimeout(timeoutOpen); // 准备打开当前子菜单 timeout = timeoutOpen = setTimeout(function () { return that.openSubMenu($submenu); }, that.options.subMenuDelay); $submenu.data('timeoutOpen.mdui.menu', timeout); } } // 鼠标移出菜单项时,关闭菜单项下的子菜单 else if (eventType === 'mouseout') { if ($submenu.length) { // 鼠标移出菜单项时,如果当前菜单项下的子菜单正准备打开,不用再打开了 var tmpOpen = $submenu.data('timeoutOpen.mdui.menu'); if (tmpOpen) { clearTimeout(tmpOpen); } // 准备关闭当前子菜单 timeout = setTimeout(function () { return that.closeSubMenu($submenu); }, that.options.subMenuDelay); $submenu.data('timeoutClose.mdui.menu', timeout); } } }); } }; /** * 动画结束回调 */ Menu.prototype.transitionEnd = function transitionEnd () { this.$element.removeClass('mdui-menu-closing'); if (this.state === 'opening') { this.state = 'opened'; this.triggerEvent('opened'); } if (this.state === 'closing') { this.state = 'closed'; this.triggerEvent('closed'); // 关闭后,恢复菜单样式到默认状态,并恢复 fixed 定位 this.$element.css({ top: '', left: '', width: '', position: 'fixed', }); } }; /** * 切换菜单状态 */ Menu.prototype.toggle = function toggle () { this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open(); }; /** * 打开菜单 */ Menu.prototype.open = function open () { var this$1 = this; if (this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'opening'; this.triggerEvent('open'); this.readjust(); this.$element // 菜单隐藏状态使用使用 fixed 定位。 .css('position', this.options.fixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute') .addClass('mdui-menu-open') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; /** * 关闭菜单 */ Menu.prototype.close = function close () { var this$1 = this; if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } this.state = 'closing'; this.triggerEvent('close'); // 菜单开始关闭时,关闭所有子菜单 this.$element.find('.mdui-menu').each(function (_, submenu) { this$1.closeSubMenu($(submenu)); }); this.$element .removeClass('mdui-menu-open') .addClass('mdui-menu-closing') .transitionEnd(function () { return this$1.transitionEnd(); }); }; mdui.Menu = Menu; var customAttr$9 = 'mdui-menu'; var dataName$3 = '_mdui_menu'; $(function () { $document.on('click', ("[" + customAttr$9 + "]"), function () { var $this = $(this); var instance = $this.data(dataName$3); if (!instance) { var options = parseOptions(this, customAttr$9); var menuSelector = options.target; // @ts-ignore delete options.target; instance = new mdui.Menu($this, menuSelector, options); $this.data(dataName$3, instance); instance.toggle(); } }); }); return mdui; }))); //# sourceMappingURL=mdui.js.map