import re import math # Define some regex stuff STEAM_ID_REGEX = "^STEAM_" STEAM_ID_3_REGEX = "^\[.*\]$" # steamID64 are all offset from this value ID64_BASE = 76561197960265728 def convert_steamID(steamID, target_format:str, as_int=False): """ Wrapper for conversion methods to allow you to call different conversions via the same function Parameters ---------- steamID : int or str steamID of any format to convert target_format : str Format to convert steamId to Possible values are: SteamID, SteamID3, SteamID64 as_int : bool If a SteamId64 is returned as an int or a string Only used when target_format = SteamId64 Default = False Returns ------- int or str steamID value """ if target_format == 'SteamID': return to_steamID(steamID) elif target_format == 'SteamID3': return to_steamID3(steamID) elif target_format == 'SteamID64': return to_steamID64(steamID, as_int) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect target Steam ID format. Target_format must be one of: SteamID, SteamID3, SteamID64") def to_steamID(steamID): """ Convert to steamID A steamID is unique to each steam account, Formatted with digits as x "STEAM_0:x:xxxxxxxx" Parameters ---------- steamID : int or str steamID3 or steamID64 to convert to steamID Returns ------- str steamID value """ id_str = str(steamID) if, id_str): # Already a steamID return id_str elif, id_str): # If passed steamID3 id_split = id_str.split(":") # Split string into 'Universe', Account type, and Account number account_id3 = int(id_split[2][:-1]) # Remove ] from end of steamID3 account_type = account_id3 % 2 account_id = (account_id3 - account_type) // 2 elif id_str.isnumeric(): # Passed steamID64 check_steamID64_length(id_str) # Validate id passed in offset_id = int(id_str) - ID64_BASE # Get the account type and id account_type = offset_id % 2 account_id = ((offset_id - account_type) // 2) return "STEAM_0:" + str(account_type) + ":" + str(account_id) def to_steamID3(steamID): """ Convert to steamID3 A steamID3 is unique to each steam account, Formatted with digits as x "[U:1:xxxxxxxx]" Parameters ---------- steamID : int or str steamID or steamID64 to convert to steamID3 Returns ------- str steamID3 value """ id_str = str(steamID) if, id_str): # Already a steamID3 return id_str elif, id_str): # If passed steamID id_split = id_str.split(":") # Split string into 'Universe', Account type, and Account number account_type = int(id_split[1]) # Check for account type account_id = int(id_split[2]) # Account number, needs to be doubled when added to id3 # Join together in steamID3 format return "[U:1:" + str(((account_id + account_type) * 2) - account_type) + "]" elif id_str.isnumeric(): # Passed steamID64 check_steamID64_length(id_str) # Validate id passed in offset_id = int(id_str) - ID64_BASE # Get the account type and id account_type = offset_id % 2 account_id = ((offset_id - account_type) // 2) + account_type # Join together in steamID3 format return "[U:1:" + str((account_id * 2) - account_type) + "]" else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to decode steamID: {steamID}") def to_steamID64(steamID, as_int = False): """ Convert to steamID64 A steamID64 is a 17 digit number, unique to each steam account Parameters ---------- steamID : int or str steamID or steamID3 to convert to steamID64 as_int : bool If the steamID64 is returned as an integer rather than string, Default = False Returns ------- int or str steamID64 value """ id_str = str(steamID) id_split = id_str.split(":") # Split string into 'Universe', Account type, and Account number if id_str.isnumeric(): # Already a steamID64 check_steamID64_length(id_str) # Validate id passed in if as_int: return int(id_str) else: return id_str elif, id_str): # If passed steamID account_type = int(id_split[1]) # Check for account type account_id = int(id_split[2]) # Account number, needs to be doubled when added to id64 elif, id_str): # If passed steamID3 account_id3 = int(id_split[2][:-1]) # Remove ] from end of steamID3 account_type = account_id3 % 2 account_id = (account_id3 - account_type) // 2 print(account_id3) print(account_type) print(account_id) else: raise ValueError(f"Unable to decode steamID: {steamID}") id64 = ID64_BASE + (account_id * 2) + account_type # Check if returning as string or integer if as_int: return id64 else: return str(id64) def check_steamID64_length(id_str :str): """ Check if a steamID64 is of the correct length, raises ValueError if not. Not really for you to use Parameters ---------- id_str : str steamID64 to check length of """ if len(id_str) != 17: raise ValueError(f"Incorrect length for steamID64: {id_str}") print(to_steamID64('[U:1:271098320]'))